Web Management User Manual
Industrial Managed Ethernet Switch
Version 1.0
This document applied to models of
Copyright© ICP DAS Co., Ltd., All Rights Reserved.
April 29, 2008
10.Authentication .......................................................................... 22
ꢀ Account....................................................................................22
ꢀ Accessible IP.............................................................................23
ꢀ Default Setting..........................................................................24
ꢀ Reboot Setting ..........................................................................24
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
Managed Switch
Web Management Operation
This manual will guide you how to configure
ICPDAS Managed Switch through web browser.
Web Management support two levels of
ꢀ Connection
ꢀ Basic Setting
ꢀ Redundant Setting
ꢀ Port configuration
ꢀ Relay Alarm
ꢀ Email Alarm
authentication : administrator level and user level.
The administrator level allows you to monitor,
configure and control all functions of Web
Management, and the user level is for monitor-only.
Web Management implements the VLAN, QoS,
Port Trunk, SMTP, TELNET ... protocols with an
easy-to-use interface. The IP filter and pre port
configuration are also supported.
ꢀ QoS
ꢀ Diagnosis
ꢀ Authentication
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
1. Web Connection
The default network setting (factory default setting) of Managed Switch is :
Gateway :
Before accessing Managed Switch through web browser, please modify above setting to fit your
network environment, you can refer「RS-232 Console Operation」manual for more detail.
Following, we will show you how to connect to the Web Management step by step.
STEP 1 :
Execute web browser application, ex: Mozilla, Netscape, Internet Explorer …etc, input the
Switch’s IP address in the Address field of web browser, and press ENTRY to start web
If connection succeeds, a login box will popup as following:
The default account and password of Web Management are Admin and Admin.
When authentication succeeds, you can see the welcome information display.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
For login to Web Management, your browser must support
HTTP authentication. It allows a web browser to provide
credentials when making a request.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
2. Basic Setting
This chapter describes how to setting the commonly information on your Managed Switch.
ꢀ Information
Module Name:
Use to specify the Switch Name, and also displayed as the console prompt. Max. 8
Module Information:
Use to memo the extra description of the Switch Module. 16 characters max..
Web Server TCP Port:
Specify the connection port of the Web Server. Default setting is 80.
Date Time Setting:
This function can specify the Time zone and the current date time information of the Switch.
You can click the <Set Now> button to get the current date time from your browser,
and the <Format Checking> button will help you to verify the setting value.
Date Time value can be appended to the email messages, alarm records…etc.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
Only MS Series Switch supports a real time clock. For RS Series Switch,
the <Date Time Setting> function is invalid.
ꢀ Network
IP Address:
IP address is an identifier for a device on a TCP/IP network. It is a 32-bit numeric address
consisted as four numbers separated by three dots. The range of each number is from 0 to
Managed Switch doesn’t support dynamic IP assignment, you have to specify the IP address
of each Switch manually.
Factory default value is
A gateway is a device that passes traffic from the local network to another network or
Like the IP address, it is consisted as 4 numbers separated by three dost. The range of each
number is from 0 to 255.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
The (subnet) MASK is used to determine the subnet of an IP address. Same as the IP
address, a MASK contains four bytes (32 bits) and it is often expressed in the dotted-decimal
The factory default value is labeled beside the Switch case.
MAC Address:
MAC Address is a hardware address. It’s a uniquely identifies the device of MAC layer
The standard (IEEE 802) format for human-readable is six groups of two hexadecimal digits,
each digit separated by a dash or colon.
The factory default value is labeled on the Switch case.
Modbus Net ID
Specify the device ID for modbus protocol.
When the Network Setting is modified, you have to reboot the Switch to enable
the new setting.
ꢀ Serial Port
The Managed Switch supports two interfaces of serial communication. This function enables you
to set up the transmission speed(baudrate),data bit(databit), parity check type (parity) and stop
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
COM1 port is the RS232 standard, use for Console Connection. Factory default setting is:
Baud Rate
Data Bit
: 115200
: 8
Parity Check
Stop Bit
: 0 (None)
: 1
COM2 is the RS485 standard, use for Modbus communication. Factory default setting is:
Baud Rate
Data Bit
: 115200
: 8
Parity Check
Stop Bit
: 0 (None)
: 1
ꢀ Digital Input / Output
ICPDAS Managed Switch supports 3 points of digital input / output interface.
User can monitor DI/O status from web management.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
3. Redundant Setting
Redundant LAN topology is a structure to provide the link failure recovery and escaping network
loops. It allows you to setup the redundant loops for supporting backup connections.
Managed Switch offers redundancy options for various functions, it is a highly reliability device
provides the fast error detection and keeps the non-stop connections 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year. To manage the Managed Switch for use in redundant network topology, following
configuration options are available.
ꢀ Redundant Setting
This function enables you to configure the Switch operation modes.
Ring Pair 1:
Enable/Disabled Ring Pair 1, it consists of port 1 and port 2.
Ring Pair 2:
Enable/Disabled Ring Pair 2. it consists of port 3 and port 4.
Managed Switch supports two kinds of redundant communication – Cyber-Ring and STP
(Spanning Tree Protocol). Compare to the Spanning Tree Protocol, Cyber-Ring provides less
fault recovery time, reconfiguration time and fault detected time.
Ring Coupling:
If “Primary Switch “ is selected, Switch will be forced as a Master of the topology.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
ꢀ Recovery Time Setting
Recovery Time (Cyber-Ring Protocol):
Recovery time is the duration of connections that from failure occurred to return to normal.
This function allows you to assign the recovery time in millisecond (ms), the variable is from
100ms to 1500ms (1.5 sec).
Factory default is 300ms.
On Cyber-Ring Protocol Mode, user can specify the recovery time manually, and the
Managed Switch will calculate adaptable Hello Time, Forward Time and Max age Time
An adequate recovery time is depended on how many Managed Switch are consisted in the
Ring coupling, the more Managed Switch that you have, the more recovery time that you
If the recovery time is not longer enough, the Master LED will keep on flashing
to make a warning.
Hello Time (STP Protocol):
Hello time is the interval time that the Master Switch sends hello messages to Switch nodes
on the Ring network, this is for making sure if the Switch nodes and the topology still keeping
This setting is only available on STP Mode. Factory default is 4000ms.
You can tune the time to be between 1000 and 10000 in millisecond (ms).
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
Forward Time (STP Protocol):
Forward delay is the duration time that packages from pre-forwarding state to forward state.
Factory default is 10000ms, the variable is from 4000ms to 30000ms (30 sec). Setting is only
available on STP Mode.
Maxage Time (STP Protocol):
Max age time is the interval that node Switches waiting for hello messages from the Master
Switch. It’s 6000ms by factory default, and the variable is from 6000ms to 40000ms.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
4. Port configuration
ꢀ Mirror
Mirror Port setting is commonly used to monitor the network traffic, it can help you to collect and
trace abnormal packets of each port without interrupting data transmission.
User can specify a switch port to receive the packet copies
which from another port.
Specify a “Monitor Port” that you want to get the packet
Specify the ports will be monitored.
There are two type of monitoring options
Monitor the packets which are sent out the switch port.
Egress & Ingress
Monitor the packets both entering into and being sent
out the switch port.
Click “SUBMIT” button to active mirror setting.
If the setting is succeed. You will see the setting result
shown in the Port Monitoring List below the setting
˙ Lots of mirroring traffic may reduce the performance of
Switch. You can tick the “Clean all Monitoring Setting”
checkbox and press “SUBMIT” button to disable port mirror
˙ Mirror function will be disabled when the Trunking function is
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
ꢀ Trunking
This function is used for setting the groups of link aggregation. Port trunking allows user to
combine multiple physical ports into a single logical channel. It can increase the link speed and
provide the better redundancy availability.
Supported groups depend on the total number of switch ports on the equipment.
508 Series Managed Switch supports up to 4 trunking groups.
Active trunking function will reset and disable VLAN & Ring Pair settings.
ꢀ Port Status
User can check link status of each port in this function.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
Port Number
Port transmission speed.(10 Mbps/100 Mbps)
Flow Control Mode. Both Half-duplex and Full-duplex modes are supported.
Port Link status. ON : Link is up ; OFF : Link is down.
ꢀ Cable Checking
This function provides a useful tool to detect the quality of cables.
Tick the checkbox of Ports and click “Start Check” button, after a moment waiting, system will
report the RX and TX status.
There are 4 types of status message can be displayed.
Normal cable
Test Fail
Cable checking fail.
Open in cable.
short in cable
Switch Management also can detect the problem approximate location and shows up in the
Length field.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
5. Relay Alarm
Managed Switch offer a relay contact output on Terminal Block of the Switch equipment. It is able
to connect to a light, buzzer …etc. warning device and notify system failures immediately.
We also offer the web tool to configure the relay manually. It’s convenient for you to
enable/disable relay warnings since the Switch equipments are far from you.
ꢀ Relay Output
This function enables you to configure the relay warnings of Power, Link Lose and
Communication Lose.
System Relay Alarm
When alarm occurred, the relay output on the Terminal Block is activated, and System Relay
Alarm is turned ON.
Power Relay Enable
Managed Switch support dual power inputs to implement the power redundancy, and also
support two relay configurations for those two power inputs.
You can tick the “Power1” or “Power2” checkbox to enable the power relay. If power failures
occur, system relay will be activated.
Link Lose
Set relay active if port disconnected, such as, no cable connected; cable break; opposing
device fail.
Communication Lose
Set relay active if port of the ring pair disconnected.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
6. Email Alarm
ICPDAS Managed Switch can notify you by email when the specified event occurred.
This chapter will guide you how to setting the related parameters.
ꢀ Alarm Event setting
User can specify system and port events that warning emails will be sent.
Power1 ON
The status of power1 from OFF turns to ON.
The status of power2 from OFF turns to ON.
The status of power1 from ON turns to OFF.
The status of power2 from ON turns to OFF.
System relay activate.
Power2 ON
Power1 OFF
Power2 OFF
System Relay ON
System Relay OFF
System software Reboot
System relay
User reboots the Switch equipment through Switch
Management tool or the console command.
Port disconnected, such as, no cable connected; cable
break; opposing device fail.
Link Lose
Communication Lose
Port of the ring pair disconnected
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
ꢀ Email Setting
User can select “Disable Alarm Mail” to stop the email alarm sending (factory default).
If email alarm is enabled, there are two methods of email report for you select.
The first one is: warning mail is sent immediately when events occur.
The second is: user can specify the interval time between 1 to 99 hour(s), and system will
sending the system report by email every the specified hour(s).
Before active email sending, you have to finish following settings.
Mail Server IP
IP address of mail server
Specify the email address of sender.
Specify the email address that you wish to notify.
After finishing and activating above setting, the “Send Test Mail” button will show up. You can
click the button to check if the settings are correct.
Please be sure the MASK and GATEWAY are properly configured. Otherwise, it may cause
the email sending fault.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
ꢀ Email Record
Switch Management can keep the sending date, time and status of each warning emails.
But only the latest 50 sending records will be saved.
User can click the “Clean Record Table” button to delete all the email sending history.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
Virtual LANs (VLAN) allows you to setting logical groups of devices, even they are not located on
the same physical segment. The logical group called a VLAN, all devices belong to the VLAN has
the same network attributes, and it’s isolated from the other network logically. A VLAN provides
higher communication security, and makes you to limit traffic flooding easily.
ꢀ VLAN Mode
Port Based VLAN
The frames which arrive at specified ports belong to the same
802.1Q Check Mode
Set mode to 802.1Q VLAN. Forward Ingress frames that
frames aren’t the VLAN member, but discard ingress frame
which VID is unrecognized.
802.1Q Secure Mode
Set mode to 802.1Q VLAN. Discard Ingress frames that frames
aren’t the VLAN member and VID is unrecognized.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
ꢀ Port based VLANs
In this function, user can determine the output ports which this input port can send frames to.
For example, in above figure, only the ingress come from Port 4 and Port 8 can be send out from
Port 1.
ꢀ 802.1Q VLANs
If the 802.1Q VLAN Mode is enabled, you have to specify the VLAN groups to restrict the ingress
and egress.
Switch Management supports the different VID setting up to 64 in max. If the rules of the setting
have conflict, the smaller number of VID has the higher priority.
Specify the VID number, the valid value is from 1 to 4095. Smaller number has the higher
Egress Policy
There are 4 options of egress tagging used to support 802.1Q VLAN.
: port is a member of this VLAN and egress frames are unmodified.
: Ingress frames with this VID or the default VID are discarded.
: port is a member of this VLAN and egress frames are untagged.
: port is a member of this VLAN and egress frames are tagged.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
8. QoS
Quality of Service (QoS) provides different priority to different data flow. It can make you to
classify and prioritize data frames.
ICPDAS Managed Switch support 4 classes of services priority queues. This function allows you
to determine the QoS tag priority and specify the priority processing scheme.
ꢀ QoS Mode
There are two options supported to classify egress frames.
8,4,2,1 Weight Fair queuing scheme
8,4,2,1 weighting is mapped to 4 priority queues.
In this queuing scheme mode, lower priority frames are transferred only have a slight delay
to the higher priority frames.
Strict priority scheme
The frames in the highest priority queue are processed until the queue is empty.
If the highest priority queue occupied all the time, the frames in the lower priority queue may
never be served.
802.1p Tag Priority
Enable/Disable specified ports using the 802.1p tag if the frame is tagged.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
IP ToS/DiffServ
Enable/Disable specified ports using the TOS (Type of Service) and/or DiffServ
(Differentiated Service) field in IPv4 frame.
802.1p Tag over Tos/DiffServ
If <802.1p Tag Priority> and <IP ToS/DiffServ> are both enabled, you have to decide a
priority between those two settings.
Enable : Use tag fields for priority mapping when both field types are present.
Disable : Use IP fields for priority mapping when both field type are present.
Default Priority
Specify the port priority of the ingress frames to the priority queues.
ꢀ Tag Priority
Set the tag priority mapping to 4 different egress queues.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
9. Diagnosis
ꢀ Ping
In this function, user can input the IP address and click SUMIT button to check if the IP is
10. Authentication
ꢀ Account
There are two levels of authentication are provided in Switch Management: administrator level
and user level.
Administrator level allows you to monitor and configure all functions of Switch
Management, and the user level is for monitor-only.
Switch Management supports 5 accounts for your setting. The account and password are limited
to 8 characters max.. Before click SUBMIT, please make sure the Enable checkbox is ticked,
otherwise, the setting will be ignored.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
At the system initial, the default account and password are: Admin and Admin.
ꢀ Accessible IP
You can set the remote IP address here to filter the illegal access. Only the IP address in
following table can be allowed to access Managed Switch.
Before UPDATE the setting, you have to tick the <Active the rule> checkbox, otherwise system
will ignore the setting data. You also can click the “Clean All Setting” button to reset the IP filter
Table. Since the table is empty, system will allows all hosts to access the Switch.
April 29, 2008
Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
ꢀ Default Setting
This function allows you to clean all settings and load the default value to Switch Management.
Current factory default values are:
Network Setting
IP Address
Modbus Net ID : 1
Serial Port Setting
:baudrate 115200,8bit,none patity check, 1 stopbit
:baudrate 115200,8bit,none patity check, 1 stopbit
Redundant Setting
Ring Pair 1
: disabled
Ring Pair 2
: disabled
: Cyber-Ring Protocol
Ring Coupling : Primary Switch
Recovery Time : 300ms
ꢀ Reboot Setting
When you finish the Network Setting, you have to reboot the Switch to activate the value, you
can restart the system by clicking following reboot icon.
April 29, 2008
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