The Honeywell CM901 is a programmable room thermostat designed to
control your heating system efficiently, providing comfortable temperatures
when you are at home and energy savings when you are away. The following
instructions explain how to program and use the CM901 to provide the most
home comfort at the least cost.
Ergonomic User Interface features an ‘OK-button’ making the CM901 very
easy to use so you always stay in control.
Dynamic Text Display provides informative ‘on-screen’ feedback and
operational assistance to the user.
Extra Large LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Screen with Backlight provides
added user friendliness and clearer viewing – even in the dark.
6 independent temperature levels lets you set any 6 temperatures you require
(from 5 to 35°C) so you can enjoy economical comfort throughout the day.
Holiday button saves energy by letting you reduce the temperature for 1 to 99
days while you are away from home, resuming normal operation on your return.
Automatic Summer/Winter Time Change will adjust the clock automatically
for ‘Daylight Saving Time’.
Built-in Memory holds the user program indefinitely so that it is never lost
– even if you remove the batteries.
Outside Temperature Sensor (optional accessory) can be fitted to the
CM901 to display the temperature outside your home.
RemoteTemperature Sensor (optional accessory) can be fitted to the CM901
to control to the room temperature in another location, concealing the CM901.
Optimum Start option is an advanced feature which ensures that the optimum
temperature conditions are achieved at the required times.
Honeywell Control Systems Ltd.
Arlington Business Park,
CM901 - User Guide
1 day Programmable
Room Thermostat
RG12 1EB
Technical Help Desk: 08457 678999
42010943-103 R1
© 2005 Honeywell International Inc.
This section shows you how to setup and run the thermostat in 3 simple steps:
STEP 1: Installing the Batteries
Note: Please follow the instructions in this section only if the thermostat screen is
blank (no symbols or digits are displayed). If the screen displays some information
move on to STEP 2: Setting the Date and Time.
To install the Batteries:
a. Lift up the front cover of the thermostat
to reveal the battery cover and product
b. Remove the battery cover by pressing
down and sliding out.
c. Insert the 2 x AA LR6 Alkaline Batteries
supplied with the thermostat, ensuring
the correct orientation (see ‘Controls
Layout’ on page 2).
d. After a short pause the thermostat will
display information on the screen and
is now ready for use.
e. Replace the battery cover by sliding
it firmly back into the front of the
Take care to dispose of used batteries carefully.
STEP 2: Setting the Date and Time
To set the Date and Time:
a. Move the slider switch to the DATE position. ‘SET THE DAY’ will be displayed on
the screen and the day digits will be flashing.
b. Use the
are pressed ‘DAY OK?’ will be displayed. Once the correct day is reached, press
the green button to confirm.
buttons to set the correct day. When either of these buttons
c. Now the month digits will start flashing and ‘SET THE MONTH’ will be displayed.
Change the month and then the year using the or buttons, pressing the
green button to save any changes made. (If an invalid date has been entered
you will be returned to the start of the date setting mode).
d. After setting a valid date, the time digits will begin flashing and ‘SET THE TIME’
will be displayed.
e. Use the
buttons to set the correct time. Each press of the button will
change the time by one minute and holding the button down will change the time
slowly at first and get progressively quicker. Once the correct time is set, press
the green
button to confirm then ‘CHANGES SAVED’ will be displayed for a
moment followed by ‘DATE COMPLETE’.
Note: If the slider switch is moved at any time before ‘DATE COMPLETE’ is displayed
the changes to the date and time will NOT be saved.
STEP 3: Running the Built-in Heating Program
The thermostat is now ready for operation. Move the slider switch to the AUTO
position and the built-in heating program will start running. The built-in heating
program has been designed to provide normal comfort requirements, but if you want
to customise the default settings (as shown on the next page) please see the next
section ‘PROGRAMMING THE CM901’.
The Built-in Heating Program
The built-in heating program has 6 temperature level changes that can be set
between 3.00am and 2.50am - allowing you to maintain the evening temperature
after midnight. Each temperature level can be set between 5°C and 35°C, and
adjusted in 0.5°C increments. The factory default program for heating is as follows:
Reviewing the Heating Program
To review or edit the heating program move the slider switch to the PROG position
then use the
buttons to navigate between the 6 individual programming
Modifying the Heating Program
To change the heating program:
a. Set the slider switch to the PROG position, entering programming mode. ‘SET
TIME 1’ will be displayed and the time settings for period will be flashing. The
active period is highlighted by a flashing square symbol around the numbers at
the bottom of the screen.
b. To adjust the period start time press the
or buttons and ‘TIME 1 OK?’ will
be displayed. Holding the button down will change the time quickly.
Note: If you are pressing the
or buttons and the display flashes the next
change period, it means the next change will be pushed forward if you continue
to press
c. Press the green
button to confirm the setting. ‘CHANGES SAVED’ is displayed
for 1.5 seconds then ‘SET TEMP 1’ will be shown.
Note: If the original time setting did not require adjustment press the green
button to move on to step ‘d.’.
d. The temperature setting for period will now be flashing. To adjust this press the
or buttons and ‘TEMP 1 OK?’ will be displayed.
e. Press the green
button to confirm the setting. ‘CHANGES SAVED’ will be
displayed for a moment followed by ‘SET TIME 2’.
f. The next time and temperature period will now be active. Adjust this by repeating
steps b - e above until all 6 periods are set or move the slider switch to the AUTO
position to run the program as set, at any time.
g. After setting period
‘CHANGES SAVED’ will be displayed as before.
i. To exit the programming mode move the slider switch to the desired operating
mode - AUTO, MAN or OFF. Note: To run the adjusted program select the AUTO
Note: If the unit is left in programming mode for more than 10 minutes without
the slider being moved or any buttons pressed, ‘MOVE THE SLIDER’ will be
displayed. Press a button to finish programming the thermostat or move the
slider to select the desired operating mode.
Disabling / Enabling Time Periods
The thermostat has 6 periods that can be programmed, but you may not need all of
these switch points for your heating requirements. Therefore, any period from 2 to 6
can be disabled or enabled as follows:
To disable time periods:
Go to the desired period ( to ) by moving the slider switch to the PROG
position, then using the and buttons to navigate, ensuring the correct
period is highlighted with the flashing square symbol. Press and hold the
button for at least 2 seconds and the display will indicate the period has been
removed from the program.
To enable time periods:
Navigate to the disabled period by moving the slider switch to the PROG
position, then using the
buttons. Once selected ‘DISABLED’ will be
displayed. Press and hold the button for at least 2 seconds and ‘ENABLED’ will
be displayed for a moment before returning to normal programming mode.
Choosing the Operating Mode
The thermostat can operate in three different modes: Automatic, Manual or Off. To
set the operating mode move the slider switch to the desired position. The screen
indicates which mode is currently active by displaying AUTO, MAN or OFF.
AUTO (automatic) mode
Automatic mode sets the thermostat to follow the temperature program (default
or personalised). Operating the thermostat in this mode is the best way to
maintain a high level of temperature comfort whilst maximising your energy
MAN (manual) mode
Manual mode sets the thermostat to act as a simple thermostat with a fixed
setpoint throughout the day. The setpoint can be adjusted from 5°C to 35°C
by using the
buttons. The thermostat will continue to maintain this
temperature until another operating mode or temperature is selected.
OFF mode
Off mode sets the thermostat to control to a minimum temperature setting of 5°C
(default) that acts as a frost protection measure for your home. This value can be
adjusted by calling your installer.
Adjusting the Time
To adjust only the time during normal operation use the
buttons to adjust
the time and press the green
button again to confirm any changes.
During Normal Operation
Temperature Enquiry
In AUTO and MAN operating modes the thermostat will display the current room
temperature, which is indicated by the text ‘ROOM TEMP’ displayed on the
screen. To review the programmed ‘target’ temperature (the temperature which
the thermostat is trying to maintain) press the button. This ‘target’ temperature
value will be displayed flashing and the text ‘TARGET TEMP’ will be shown for 5
seconds before returning to the current room temperature value.
In OFF operating mode the thermostat again displays the current room
temperature, as above, but when the button is pressed the text ‘FROST TEMP’
is displayed indicating the set value to protect your home. To modify this value
please contact your installer.
Temperature Override
During normal operation (AUTO mode) the programmed temperature can be
adjusted manually by pressing the or buttons. The ‘target‘ temperature
will be displayed and flash for 5 seconds – during this time the
can be used to modify the set value.
or buttons
Note: This temperature override is cancelled at the next programmed
temperature change.
Using the Special Functions
HOLIDAY Function
The holiday function allows you to set a constant temperature (default = 10°C)
for a specified number of days (from 1 - 99 days). This lets you save energy and
related costs when you are away from home, but resumes normal operation on
the day of your return.
To set the Holiday function:
a. Move the slider switch to the AUTO or MAN position.
b. Press the
button to display the holiday days counter and temperature
setting, along with the holiday indicator
c. The day after the current day will be selected and ‘RETURN DATE OK?’ will be
displayed. Press the or time buttons to set the holiday time (1 – 99 days).
Note: (The day and date will update according to the number of days
d. Press the green
button to confirm the setting.
e. ‘CHANGES SAVED’ will be displayed for a moment followed by ‘TEMP OK?’.
Press the
buttons to set the holiday temperature (5°C - 35°C)
f. Press the green
button to confirm the setting. ‘HOLIDAY MODE’ will now
be displayed on the screen until the return date is reached or the holiday
mode is cancelled.
The thermostat will now control to the new temperature for the set number of days
that your home is vacant. At midnight the holiday counter will be reduced by one until
the selected number of days have passed. The thermostat will then return to normal
operation as set by the slider switch position (AUTO or MAN position). To cancel the
HOLIDAY setting or to exit the function at any time press the
or move the slider switch to a different position.
button a second time
Changing the User Parameters
The user mode allows you to modify some basic settings of the thermostat to meet
your personal preferences. You can change the time display format (24hr or AM/PM),
reset the heating program to the built-in settings and disable or enable the summer/
winter time change feature.
To change any of these user’s parameters:
a. Move the slider switch to the OFF position, then press and hold the button for
approximately 5 seconds. button for approximately 5 seconds.
b. Once entered the following information will be shown on the screen:
c. Now choose which one of the following parameters you would like to change:
i) Change the time format
‘CLOCK SELECT’ should be displayed on the screen - press the
buttons to select the preferred time format (12=AM/PM format, 24=24hr format)
and the display will flash, indicating a change has been made. To confirm this
change press the green
ii) Reset the built-in program to the factory default
Press the
Press the
time button once. The display will show ‘RESET PROGRAM’.
or buttons to select the preferred setting (0=user program,
1=factory program) and the display will flash, indicating a change has been
made. To confirm this change press the green button.
iii) Enable or disable summer/winter time change
Press the time button twice. The display will show ‘AUTO CHANGE’. Press
or buttons to select the preferred setting (0=disabled/Off, 1=enabled/
On) and the display will flash, indicating a change has been made. To confirm
this change press the green
d. To exit the user mode move the slider switch to the AUTO, MAN or OFF
How do I change the batteries on the CM901 when they run out?
The thermostat constantly monitors the battery power level, which typically last for
about 2 years before needing replaced. When the power is running low a flashing
symbol will be displayed on the screen. To change the batteries follow the steps in
the above section (‘STEP 1: Installing the Batteries’ on page 3), replacing the used
batteries with new ones in step c.
Note: While changing the batteries your program settings will be stored but you may
need to adjust the time and date settings to be correct.
How do I set one temperature for the whole day?
To operate as a simple thermostat with one temperature for a period of time, move
the slider switch to the MAN position. Adjust the manual temperature by pressing the
buttons. This can be set anywhere from 5°C to 35°C in 0.5°C steps. The
thermostat will continue to maintain this temperature until another operating mode is
selected or the temperature is adjusted.
What is Optimum Start?
Optimum Start is a program which ensures that the optimum temperature conditions
are achieved at the required times. This is an Energy Efficiency feature that adjusts
the start time of your heating system depending upon how cold it is. For example,
on cold days your heating system will be started earlier to ensure that your home is
warm when you get up (at the target temperature) and on warmer days the heating
system will be started later to save energy. So, if the Optimum Start Feature is used,
then the time / temperature settings which are entered into the thermostat should
be set to when you want to be warm by and not when you want the heating system
to start.
Can I use my CM901 to control my air-conditioning system?
Yes, if your system has been set up correctly you can use your thermostat to control
the cooling. To switch the thermostat between heating and cooling modes press
buttons together for 5 seconds in any of the product operating modes
(AUTO, MAN or OFF). The text ‘COOLING’ will be displayed for a moment on the
screen to indicate the cooling operation is now active. The factory default program
for cooling is specified in the table below, but this can be modified in the same way
as the default heating program:
If something happens to my heating system how can I check that the thermostat
is working?
Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide on page 15. If you still need assistance after this
call your installer. The thermostat should only be opened or removed by a qualified
professional to prevent possible injury from electric shock and/or damage to the
What other accessories can I buy that work with the CM901?
1. Outside Temperature Sensor Accessory
The Outside Temperature Sensor accessory can be fitted to your thermostat to
display the outside temperature. By pressing the button twice, the thermostat
displays the external temperature.
2. Remote Temperature Sensor Accessory
The Remote Temperature Sensor accessory can be fitted to your thermostat to
control the temperature of another room where it is inconvenient to locate the
thermostat e.g. commercial premises where the public may tamper with the
Note: For more information on the above accessories please contact your installer.
WHAT IS A PROGRAMMABLE ROOM THERMOSTAT? explanation for householders
A programmable room thermostat is both a programmer and a room thermostat. A
programmer allows you to set ‘On’ and ‘Off’ time periods to suit your own lifestyle.
A room thermostat works by sensing the air temperature, switching on the heating
when the air temperature falls below the thermostat setting, and switching it off once
this set temperature has been reached.
So, a programmable room thermostat lets you choose what times you want the
heating to be on, and what temperature it should reach while it is on. It will allow you
to select different temperatures in your home at different times of the day (and days
of the week) to meet your particular needs.
Turning a programmable room thermostat to a higher setting will not make the room
heat up any faster. How quickly the room heats up depends on the design of the
heating system, for example, the size of boiler and radiators.
Neither does the setting affect how quickly the room cools down. Turning a
programmable room thermostat to a lower setting will result in the room being
controlled at a lower temperature, and saves energy.
The way to set and use your programmable room thermostat is to find the lowest
temperature settings that you are comfortable with at the different times you have
chosen, and then leave it alone to do its job. The best way to do this is to set low
temperatures first, say 18°C, and then turn them up by one degree each day until
you are comfortable with the temperatures. You won’t have to adjust the thermostat
further. Any adjustments above these settings will waste energy and cost you more
If your heating system is a boiler with radiators, there will usually be only one
programmable room thermostat to control the whole house. But you can have different
temperatures in individual rooms by installing thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on
individual radiators. If you don’t have TRVs, you should choose a temperature that
is reasonable for the whole house. If you do have TRVs, you can choose a slightly
higher setting to make sure that even the coldest room is comfortable, then prevent
any overheating in other rooms by adjusting the TRVs.
The time on the programmer must be correct. Some types have to be adjusted
in spring and autumn at the changes between Greenwich Mean Time and British
Summer Time.
You may be able to temporarily adjust the heating programme, for example,
‘Override’, ‘Advance’ or ‘Boost’. These are explained in the manufacturer’s
Programmable room thermostats need a free flow of air to sense the temperature, so
they must not be covered by curtains or blocked by furniture. Nearby electric fires,
televisions, wall or table lamps may prevent the thermostat from working properly.
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