IP Communicator for Burglar Alarm
The MIP-2/UD is a simple communications device that allows
the transmission of alarms generated by a conventional control
panel through any kind of IP network (ADSL, cable, Inter-
net…), at the same time that it keeps the standard telephone
line as a back-up mechanism.
Designed to work with most of the already installed control
panels, the MIP-2/UD allows for a faster and more economic
alarm transmission, improving response times, decreasing
costs and offering value added features such as the super-
vised line functionality that allows the central station to detect if
any of the alarm panels go off-line. At the central station side,
Teldat has designed an IP receiver, the VisorALARM PLUS,
that will integrate seamlessly into conventional central station
Easy to Program
There are three ways to configure the IP Communicator:
1. Console terminal using the HyperTerminal™ software
program found on all Microsoft® operating systems.
2. Local or remote Telnet session via Ethernet connection.
3. Windows-based configuration software (shipped with IP
Allows any Contact-ID Burglar alarm panel to transmit
alarms over IP networks.
The IP Communicator can be pre-programmed. The program-
mer enters all central-station information and an auto-registra-
tion password. This is saved to the unit’s flash memory. When
the IP Communicator is installed at the site and connected to
the Internet/Intranet, it registers itself with the central station
receiver. This eliminates the need for a PC at the remote site
for programming. The IP receiver at the monitoring station will
automatically configure other parameters during registration.
Saves the cost of an 800 number to receive alarms. Trans-
mission is done through a flat rate Internet connection that
is shared with other devices.
Eliminates the cost of two dedicated phone lines. Only the
customer’s shared IP equipment is required.
Can use newer low-cost, non-analog, digital telephone ser-
vices such as cable or fiber optics.
Increases connection supervision to the central station from
the once-a-day test signal to once every 30 - 90 seconds.
Selection of either DHCP or Static IP.
Destination primary and secondary receiver IP addresses.
Account identification number (CID).
Port number.
Requires no change to the existing panel configuration. The
IP Communicator connects directly to the primary and sec-
ondary analog panel telephone ports.
Fast alarm transmission (less than 1 second transmission
time) for better response times to burglar alarms.
Installation password.
Works over any type of customer-provided Ethernet 10/100
Base network connection (LAN or WAN), DSL modem or
cable modem.
All of these parameters are assigned by the central station.
NOTE: See the MIP UD manual for instructions on UL installa-
Data transmits over standard contact-ID protocol but is
secured with the industry’s highest level of encryption (AES
512 bit).
Installation Requirements
Supports both dynamic (DHCP) or Public and Private Static
IP addressing.
Burglar panel compatible with Contact-ID format.
At least 250mA of electrical power available on the power
supply to use for the MIP UD unit (500mA recommended).
Supports dual-destination IP receiver address for high
redundancy configurations: all signals are sent to a second-
ary address should the primary become unavailable.
Ethernet network connector (10/100 Mbps).
DHCP server present on the local network or an available
IP address to be used with the MIP UD.
MIP-2/UD can be installed inside the alarm panel or inside
its own wall mount enclosure.
UDP port to use with for the MIP UD communication with
the monitoring station (default port: 80).
Upload/Download capabilities: Allows central station opera-
tors to manage the remote alarm panels over IP using the
VisorALARM PLUS receiver to manage all the connections,
protocols and additional features. You will be able to pro-
gram, upgrade, download or perform any operation. Teldat
actually supports panels like Vista, Paradox, and Networks.
Destination IP addresses of the VisorALARM receivers
where the MIP UD will be sending alarms and other events.
Panel account ID number (CID).
Installer password (provided by the monitoring station man-
aging the VisorALARM IP receiver).
Supports an optional third maintenance receiver installed at
the end user’s facility that permits local alarm monitoring.
Alarms are received simultaneously at both the central sta-
tion and the customer’s facility. A filter can be applied to
annunciate specific alarm types such as trouble-only
Agency Listings and Approvals
Ordering Information
In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be
listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be process.
Consult factory for latest listing status.
MIP-2: IP Communicator. Includes configuration software and
MIP-2UD: IP Communicator with upload/download capability
(2UD modem daughter board). Includes configuration software
and manual.
UL1023: Household Burglar Alarm System-Units.
UL1076: Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and Systems.
UL1610: Central Station Burglar Alarm Units.
IPENC: External mounting enclosure consisting of mounting
bracket IPBRKT, and screws. Enclosure must be "close-nip-
ple" to a panel. (Red)
ULC C1023-1974: Household Burglar Alarm System-Units.
IPSPLT: Y adapter option to allow connection of both panel
dialer outputs to one cable input to MIP-2/UD.
ULC/ORD=C1076-M1986: Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units
and Systems.
ALMSC-119: Serial programming cable.
CAN/ULC S304-M88: Central and Monitoring Station Bur-
glar Alarm Units.
HP300ULX: Honeywell Power Products UL 1481-listed auxil-
iary power supply. Enclosure must be "close-nipple" to a panel
via conduit. Requires IPBRKT purchased separately.
IPBRKT: Mounting bracket.
DH-60768:A • 3/11/2013 — Page 3 of 4
This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific
applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
©2013 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.
Automation and Control Solutions
12 Clintonville Road
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April 2013
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© 2013 Honeywell International Inc.
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