HP Jornada
430/430se Palm-size PC
User’s Guide
Part number F1796-90002
Printed in Singapore
Edition 1
Table of Contents | iii
Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................iii
1 | Welcome...................................................................................................................1
What’s in the box ............................................................1
Using the manual ...........................................................2
Using HP J ornada’s built-in programs..........................2
Finding more information ..............................................4
Registering the HP J ornada ..........................................5
Understanding conventions ...........................................5
2 | Setting up................................................................................................................7
Identifying the hardware features ................................7
Using the Action button ...............................................10
Using the stylus ............................................................10
Setting up for the first time .........................................10
Caring for the HP J ornada...........................................13
3 | Managing battery power...............................................................................15
Maintaining power to the HP J ornada........................15
Viewing the remaining battery power.........................16
Charging the main and backup batteries ...................16
Changing the main battery..........................................17
Using Power Properties................................................18
Optimizing battery life .................................................20
4 | Learning about the buttons, hard icons, and settings.....................21
Turning the HP J ornada 430/430se on and off...........21
Locking the hardware buttons.....................................22
Using the hard icons.....................................................22
Adjusting settings.........................................................23
Using HP settings.........................................................24
Using HP security.........................................................28
5 | Learning to use the desktop........................................................................33
Using the Active Desktop.............................................33
Using the Start Menu and taskbar..............................35
Using the command bar ...............................................36
Typing, writing, and drawing on the HP J ornada......36
Closing applications......................................................39
Finding files and documents ........................................40
Finding information .....................................................40
Viewing information .....................................................41
Learning the shortcuts .................................................41
iv Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
6 | Connecting to a desktop PC....................................................................... 43
Understanding ActiveSync ..........................................43
Establishing a partnership with a desktop PC...........45
Connecting and disconnecting .....................................47
Connecting by infrared.................................................48
Connecting to another PC ............................................49
Synchronizing data .......................................................49
Browsing the HP J ornada desktop ..............................52
Transferring files between your P/PC and the
desktop PC ...............................................................53
Setting up another P/PC from a full backup...............54
Printing .........................................................................54
7 | Using Channels and Inbox.......................................................................... 55
Using Channels.............................................................55
Sending and receiving messages with Inbox ..............58
Using Inbox...................................................................62
Sending and receiving CompuServe e-mail ................68
Setting up an Ethernet connection..............................69
Using Windows CE Inbox Transfer .............................69
8 | Managing appointments and the address book............................... 71
Calendar— Scheduling meetings and appointments .71
Contacts— Tracking friends and colleagues...............74
Tasks— Keeping a to-do list ........................................75
9 | Managing information and calculations............................................... 77
Creating notes and drawings .......................................77
Recording voice memos ................................................82
Backing up and restoring data ....................................85
Using OmniSolve ..........................................................87
10 | Customizing the HP Jornada.................................................................... 89
Playing music on the HP J ornada ...............................89
Adding sounds...............................................................90
Adding desktop wallpaper............................................90
Finding third-party software .......................................91
Minimum PC requirements for HP J ornada
compact disk ............................................................91
Adding programs ..........................................................92
Removing programs......................................................93
Adding accessories ........................................................94
Inserting and Removing CompactFlash Cards...........94
Table of Contents | v
11 | Troubleshooting...............................................................................................97
Troubleshooting basic problems ..................................97
Troubleshooting remote connections .........................100
Troubleshooting viewing problems............................101
Troubleshooting HUM MP3 player ........................102
Resetting .....................................................................103
12 | Support and service....................................................................................105
Web site .......................................................................105
Customer support .......................................................105
Service .........................................................................105
Contacting Hewlett-Packard worldwide ...................106
A | Jot Character Recognizer ..........................................................................109
Areas of the Input Panel ............................................110
Symbols .......................................................................111
Help Writing Characters............................................111
Options ........................................................................111
Natural Character Set ................................................111
Simplified Uppercase Character Set .........................117
B | Migrating data from other handheld PC devices...........................125
Migrating from non-Windows CE HP handheld
PC devices ..............................................................125
Translating appointment data ...................................125
Translating Phone Book data ....................................126
Migrating from Palm III and newer products ..........128
Migrating from older Palm organizers ......................129
Migrating from other non-HP Windows CE devices 129
One year limited hardware warranty .......................137
Limitation of warranty...............................................137
Limitation of liability and remedies ..........................138
Hewlett-Packard Year 2000 Warranty......................139
Year 2000 Warranty ...................................................139
HP software product license agreement and
HP software product limited warranty ................141
vi Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Chapter 1 | Welcome| 1
1 | Welcome
The Hewlett-Packard J ornada 430/430se Palm-size PC (P/PC) is
a mobile computer running the Microsoft® Windows® CE
operating system. It allows you to store your business and
personal information, manage your appointments and contacts,
and check e-mail while on the road. It then allows you to upload
updated information to your desktop or notebook PC after
returning to the office.
In addition to Microsoft Windows products, the HP J ornada has
built-in programs from Hewlett-Packard, BSQUARE™, EZOS,
Utopiasoft, and LandWare that help you manage the system,
manage tasks, and perform financial calculations. You can also
load programs from the HP J ornada compact disk or from the
What’s in the box
The HP J ornada package includes the following items:
The Palm-size PC
HP J ornada and stylus
Rechargeable battery
AC adapter, DC cable, and power cable
Travel cable
Earphones. (Free with 430se model only. The earphones
are not covered by HP’s 1-year warranty.)
Clip Case. (Free with 430se model only. The Clip Case is
not covered by HP's 1-year warranty.)
Software to connect to your desktop PC
Desktop Software for Microsoft Windows CE compact
disk—Contains Microsoft® ActiveSync™ 3.0 with
Windows® CE Services for both the HP J ornada and
desktop PC. Also includes the Getting Started with
Microsoft® ActiveSync™ user guide.
2 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
HP J ornada Quick Start Card—A guide to getting started
quickly with the HP J ornada
Documentation pack—This User’s Guide and the
Regulatory Information Leaflet
HP J ornada Accessory Guide—Information on accessories
and products that can help you get the most from the HP
J ornada
Free software
HP J ornada compact disk—Free programs that can be
loaded onto the HP J ornada
Using the manual
Although great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of
procedures and screen art, some actual screens may be different
than the ones that appear in this User’s Guide.
Using HP Jornada’s built-in programs
This section lists the HP J ornada’s built-in programs. These
programs are installed in ROM and cannot be erased or removed.
Ca len d a r —Keeps track of important dates and events, and
helps manage your schedule.
Ch a n n els—Downloads Web information to the HP J ornada
so that it can be viewed offline.
Con ta cts—Stores names, addresses, and telephone numbers.
When you update your contacts list, you can synchronize it
with your desktop PC, so that contacts are always up to date.
HP settin gs—Allows you to change settings such as screen
brightness, to display system information such as memory
status, and to change display, button, and battery driver
In b ox—Sends and receives e-mail messages. Also
synchronizes with Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange on
your desktop PC.
Note Ta k er —Allows you to jot quick notes or to create
sketches while in a meeting.
Chapter 1 | Welcome| 3
Ta sk s—Keeps track of to-do lists. Allows you to set an alarm
or a reminder.
Hu m ™ fr om Utop ia soft™ —Allows you to play music on the
HP J ornada.
Voice Recor d er —Records reminders or vital information
when there is no time to type. The dedicated Record button
allows you to record messages with one hand.
Com m u n ica tion —Sets up connections and allows you to
connect to your desktop PC.
HP u tilit ies—HP keyboard (driver for external keyboard;
U.S. English only).
bTa sk fr om BSQUARE —Allows you to switch between
applications or view the ones currently running. It also allows
you to close applications with a single step.
Ca lcu la t or —Performs simple calculations in an on-screen
calculator. Allows you to copy the results to any open document.
EZOS EzExp lor er —Finds files and documents on the P/PC.
Om n iSolve fr om La n d Wa r e—Performs complex
mathematical and business calculations.
Con n ect ion s—Sets up connections for communications with
other computers or the Internet.
ActiveSyn c—Initiates synchronization with your desktop
computer from your HP J ornada.
P C Lin k —Establishes the connection between the
HP J ornada and desktop PC partner.
Solita ir e—Passes the time at the airport, on the train, or
during a not-so-interesting meeting or lecture.
Settin gs—Adjusts settings for buttons, communications, the
stylus, and more.
HP secu r ity—Allows you to set a primary password and a
reminder password, and allows you to log security events.
HP b a ck u p —Backs up Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks data
or your entire P/PC to a CompactFlash (CF) Memory Card.
F in d —Searches for appointments, channel items, contacts,
mail messages, Note Taker notes, tasks, or voice recordings.
Help —Gives you access to online help.
4 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Finding more information
The following table is a guide to the different types of
information available to help you use the HP J ornada. Although
this book introduces the programs on your P/PC, it does not
describe them completely. For more information, see the
comprehensive online Help for each program.
This User’s Guide.
Online Help on your P/PC. Tap Sta r t
and then Help .
Synchronizing and
exchanging files
with a desktop PC
information on
connecting while
This User’s Guide.
Online Help on your P/PC. Tap Sta r t
and then Help .
Microsoft ActiveSync Help on your
desktop PC. In the Microsoft
ActiveSync window, click Help , and
then click Micr osoft Act iveSyn c
Help .
Toolbar buttons and
dialog box items
Tap and hold on a toolbar button or
dialog box item to see its name or a
short description. Drag off the toolbar
button or item before lifting to avoid
activating it.
information on
Microsoft ActiveSync Help on your
desktop computer. In the Microsoft
ActiveSync window, click Help , and
then click Micr osoft Act iveSyn c
Help .
information on
Windows CE–based
Chapter 1 | Welcome| 5
Information on this
release of Microsoft
The Release Notes on your desktop
computer. Click Sta r t, point to
P r ogr a m s, Micr osoft Act iveSyn c,
and then click Relea se Notes.
Software updates,
device drivers, and
lists of compatible
The Hewlett-Packard J ornada Web
site at www.hp.com/jornada.
The complete text of this User’s Guide is also available on the
Hewlett-Packard Web site at www.hp.com/jornada. You can
download the User’s Guide to your desktop PC and view it using
the Adobe™ Acrobat Reader, available from the Adobe Web site
at www.adobe.com.
Registering the HP Jornada
To register the HP J ornada, go to www.hp.com/jornada.
Understanding conventions
This User’s Guide includes visual cues to help you find tips and
A shortcut, another way to do
something, or expanded
information about the topic.
Caution or warning information
about the topic. This is important
information that should be
observed to prevent loss of data or
damage to the HP J ornada.
6 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Chapter 2 | Setting up| 7
2 | Setting up
This chapter explains how to:
identify hardware features
use the Action button
use the stylus
set up the HP J ornada for the first time
care for the HP J ornada
Identifying the hardware features
The views below introduce you to the connectors, ports, and other
features of the HP J ornada.
Front view of the HP J ornada
1. AC Charging LED—When connected to AC power, this
LED glows with one of two colors:
8 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Am ber —Indicates that the battery is charging
(connected to AC power).
Gr een —Indicates that the battery is fully charged.
2. Notification LED—Blinks red when you have an
appointment. Glows red when you are recording.
3. Infrared port (IrDA–compliant transceiver)— Enables
you to send and receive files by infrared beam between
P/PCs, between the P/PC and a Handheld PC (H/PC), or
between the P/PC and a desktop PC. (For more
information, see the Con n ect in g b y in fr a r ed section
in chapter 6.)
4. Microphone—Allows you to record voice memos.
5. Record button—Starts the Voice Recorder. When held,
turns on the P/PC when it is off, and records until the
button is released.
6. Action button—See the Usin g t h e Act ion bu t t on
section in this chapter.
7. Exit button—Exits dialog windows and menus.
8. Start button—Displays the Sta r t menu. Also turns on
the P/PC when it is off, and, if held, brings up
HP settings.
9. Earphone jack—Accepts a plug for standard earphones.
Playback is in stereo.
10. Battery door release—When pressed with the stylus,
releases the battery door.
11. Battery door—Slides down when the battery door
release is pressed. Open only when replacing the
12. Hard icon panel—Allows one-touch access to four
applications. By default, the applications are Contacts,
Calendar, Tasks, and OmniSolve, but these can be
reconfigured. To do this, tap Settin gs from the Sta r t
menu, tap Bu tt on s, tap the P r ogr a m tab, and then
follow the directions on the control panel.
13. Power On/Off button—Press to power on and off.
14. Display cover—Open the display cover when you want to
tap the screen.
Chapter 2 | Setting up| 9
Back view of the HP J ornada
15. CompactFlash Type I and II Card slot—Enables you to
add memory or use accessories on CompactFlash (CF)
Cards. (For a list of recommended accessory cards, go to
the Hewlett-Packard Web site at www.hp.com/jornada.)
16. Stylus—Use the stylus as a mouse substitute. For
example, tap to select a button or menu item, double-tap
to open an application, drag the stylus across words or
items to select them.
17. Reset button—Restarts the HP J ornada. For more
information about soft and full resets, see the Resettin g
section in chapter 11.
18. Audio speaker—Lets you listen to system sounds or
voice memos.
19. P/PC connector —Connects the P/PC to the travel cable.
10 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Using the Action button
The Act ion button can be pressed and rocked:
pressing it executes a highlighted item
rocking it allows you to scroll
Using the stylus
The stylus can be used in several ways:
to write, type, and draw on the screen
to double-tap on the screen, which opens applications
to select text or drawings
to lever out CompactFlash Cards
to press the Reset button on the back of the HP J ornada
to release the battery door
The display cover must be open when you write or tap on the
Setting up for the first time
As part of the setup process, you:
install the battery
connect the AC adapter
complete the Windows CE Welcome Wizard
Follow the steps described below in the order they are
Chapter 2 | Setting up| 11
Installing the battery
The main battery powers the HP J ornada when it is not
connected to AC power. The battery fits into a compartment on
the bottom of the HP J ornada, as shown in the figure.
This view of the left side of the HP J ornada shows how to insert
the battery.
To install the main battery
1. Unpack the main battery.
2. Open the battery compartment. Insert the tip of the
stylus into the battery door release. Slide the battery
door open toward the bottom of the P/PC.
3. Insert the battery pack into the battery compartment. If
the battery does not slide in easily, check the battery
orientation and try again. If you are putting the battery
in correctly, you do not need to force it.
4. Slide the battery door closed until it locks into place.
5. The HP J ornada turns on automatically. The first screen
you see is the Hardware Button instruction screen. It
describes the location and function of the HP J ornada’s
hardware buttons. Press the Act ion button to continue.
6. Connect to AC power as described in the next section.
12 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Before using battery power, charge the battery overnight by
connecting the AC adapter (see the Con n ect in g th e tr a vel
ca b le a n d AC a d a p ter section in this chapter). While
charging, you may see backup battery low messages. These do
not appear once the battery is fully charged. If you do not
charge overnight, the backup battery low messages may
continue to appear. You can use the P/PC while charging.
About the backup battery
The rechargeable backup battery is a permanent part of the
HP J ornada, so you do not need to install or replace it.
The backup battery is being charged automatically when the
P/PC is connected to AC power.
Make sure you connect to AC power to charge as soon as you
see a backup battery low warning. Continue to charge until
the backup battery level is “good” (check the Sta tu s tab of the
Power panel; see the Usin g th e Sta tu s ta b section in chapter
Do NOT replace your main battery when the backup battery is
Connecting the travel cable and AC adapter
You can operate the HP J ornada on AC power using the AC
adapter. The AC adapter accepts voltages from 100 V to 240 V, so
you can use it anywhere in the world. However, you may need a
plug adapter to accommodate different electrical outlets.
The travel cable and AC adapter
Chapter 2 | Setting up| 13
To connect to AC power
1. Unpack the AC adapter, then connect the power cable
and the DC cable to the AC adapter body.
2. Connect the DC cable to the travel cable connector.
3. Plug the travel cable connector into the HP J ornada.
4. Plug the power cable into an AC power outlet.
Use the AC adapter to plug the HP J ornada into external
power whenever possible, especially when connecting to a
desktop PC or other peripheral, or when letting the LED
indicator flash for extended time periods. For more
information, see the Op tim izin g ba tter y life section in
chapter 3.
Running the Welcome Wizard
1. When you see the Microsoft Windows CE Welcome
screen, press the Act ion button.
2. Open the display cover. The display cover must be open
when you write or tap on the screen.
3. Using the stylus, tap and hold the center of the target.
Repeat as the target moves around the screen. Press
Act ion to accept the settings.
4. Follow the Welcome Wizard to complete the HP J ornada
Tap the HP J ornada display to open menus, press buttons, or
select menu items. To select text or drag a control, slide the
pen tip firmly across the display.
Caring for the HP Jornada
Follow these suggestions for long and trouble-free use.
To clean the screen, wipe it with a damp, lint-free cloth.
Do not drop the HP J ornada. Accidental damage is not covered
under the Hewlett-Packard express warranty.
14 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Radiated interference from other electronic equipment may
affect the appearance of the display. To return the display to
normal, remove the P/PC from the source of the interference.
The HP J ornada is designed to operate at temperatures
between 0 to 40 ºC (32 to 104 ºF). It is designed to maintain
data at temperatures between 0 to 55 ºC (32 to 131 ºF).
Subjecting the P/PC to temperatures outside those ranges
may damage the P/PC or result in loss of data. Be especially
careful not to leave the HP J ornada in direct sunlight or in a
car where temperatures can rise to harmful levels.
Chapter 3 | Managing battery power| 15
3 | Managing battery power
This chapter explains the importance of maintaining power to
the HP J ornada. It also explains how to:
view the remaining battery power
charge the batteries
change the main battery
use Power Properties
conserve battery power
Maintaining power to the HP Jornada
Because the data and files you save on the HP J ornada are
stored in RAM, it is extremely important that you maintain a
continuous power supply to the HP J ornada at all times. If the
HP J ornada runs out of power, all information you have entered
is lost. Although the Windows CE operating system and
programs are stored in ROM and cannot be erased, any custom
settings and programs you have added are lost.
When taking out the main battery, keep in mind that when
the P/PC is without power, data retention is guaranteed for
only 1 minute, and only if the backup battery level is “good”
(check the Sta tu s tab of the Power panel; see the Usin g th e
Sta tu s ta b section in chapter 3). You do not need to take out
the main battery except to replace it with a spare battery
The HP J ornada uses a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which
supplies power whenever the P/PC is not connected to AC power.
Under normal operating conditions, the battery should last for up
to 6 hours of continuous use without recharging. Battery life
varies, however, depending on how you use the P/PC.
16 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
The rechargeable backup battery is a permanent part of the
HP J ornada, so you do not need to install or replace it.
The backup battery is being charged automatically when the
P/PC is connected to AC power. Continue to charge until the
backup battery level is “good.” While charging, backup battery
low messages may continue to appear.
Do NOT replace your main battery when the backup battery is
You should respond immediately when a message warning of
low battery power is displayed. When the battery power is low,
simply connect the HP J ornada to AC power to recharge.
Viewing the remaining battery power
To view the remaining battery power
1. Tap Sta r t, then HP settin gs.
Hold the Sta r t button for 1 second.
The remaining battery power is displayed on a status
bar at the bottom of the Settin gs tab.
Charging the main and backup batteries
To charge the batteries
1. Connect the HP J ornada to AC power.
The AC Charging LED indicates the charging status of the main
Am ber —Indicates that the battery is charging (connected to
AC power).
Gr een —Indicates that the battery is fully charged.
The AC Charging LED is illuminated only if the P/PC is
connected to AC power.
Chapter 3 | Managing battery power| 17
Changing the main battery
Follow this procedure when you replace the main battery with a
spare battery (accessory F1287A).
Do NOT replace your main battery when the backup battery is
low or data loss may occur.
When taking out the main battery, keep in mind that when
the P/PC is without power, data retention is guaranteed for
only 1 minute, and only if the backup battery level is “good”
(check the Sta tu s tab of the Power panel; see the Usin g th e
Sta tu s ta b section in chapter 3).
To change the main battery
1. Turn off the P/PC.
2. Release the battery door by pushing the stylus into the
small hole above the door. Then, slide the door down and
off. See the figure in the
In st a llin g th e battery section in chapter 2.
3. Slide the old battery out of the battery slot.
4. Slide the new battery into the battery slot. If the battery
does not slide in easily, check the battery orientation
and try again. If you are putting the battery in correctly,
you do not need to force it.
5. Replace the battery door, and slide it up until it snaps
6. Turn on the P/PC.
The rechargeable backup battery is a permanent part of the HP
J ornada, so you do not need to install or replace it.
Before using battery power, charge the battery by connecting
the AC adapter.
You can use the P/PC while charging. Charging the battery
takes approximately 3 to 4 hours.
18 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
The switch on the battery does not have any electrical function.
When the battery is drained, you can flip the switch so that the
red dot shows. This can help to remind you that the battery
needs to be recharged, which is convenient if you have other
Using Power Properties
Power Properties displays information about the current state of
your battery and allows you to control options that can conserve
battery power.
To use Power Properties
1. Tap the Sta r t button, tap Settin gs, and then tap
P ow er . If you are not familiar with using the Start
menu, read Usin g th e Sta r t Men u a n d ta sk ba r
section in chapter 5.
If the power plug icon is on the taskbar, double-tap it.
2. Tap the Sta tu s, P ow er , or Dim m in g tab (see the next
section for details.
3. Select your preferences. For more information, read the
following paragraphs, or tap the Help button.
4. Tap OK to save the changes and exit, or tap the Close
button (X in the upper right corner) to abandon the
Using the Status tab
The Sta tu s tab displays the status of the main and backup
Chapter 3 | Managing battery power| 19
Status tab
Using the Power tab
The P ow er tab lets you customize how and when your P/PC
suspends operation to help maximize battery life:
Tou ch scr een t o p ow er on —Select this option to allow your
P/PC to awake from suspend mode when you tap the screen or
hard icon panel.
The Tou ch scr een t o p ow er on option is checked by default.
When you uncheck this option, you are no longer able to use
the hard icon panel to power on the P/PC.
Su sp en d w h ile on b a tter y p ow er —To conserve battery
power, your P/PC automatically suspends operation after a
period of continuous idle time while running on battery power.
Select the amount of idle time from the dropdown list.
En a b le su sp en d w h ile on AC p ow er —Select this option to
automatically suspend operation after a period of continuous
idle time while running on AC power. Select the amount of
idle time from the dropdown list.
20 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Using the Dimming tab
The Dim m in g tab lets you control backlight dimming to help
conserve battery power:
Au tom a tica lly d im w h ile on Ba tter y P ow er —By default,
this option is selected with an idle time of 1 minute. It
conserves battery power by automatically dimming the
Au tom a tica lly d im w h ile on AC P ow er —Select this option
to automatically dim the backlight after a period of continuous
idle time while running on AC power. Select the amount of
idle time from the dropdown list.
Optimizing battery life
The following tips can optimize battery life, ensuring the longest
use of your P/PC between charges:
Shorten auto-suspend time. To set auto-suspend time: from
the Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, tap P ow er , and then tap the
P ow er tab.
Set the display to dim automatically after a short time. To set
dimming: from the Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, tap P ow er ,
and then tap the Dim m in g tab.
Minimize brightness and use contrast to increase readability.
To set brightness and contrast: from the Sta r t menu, tap
HP settin gs. For more information about HP settings, see the
Usin g HP set t in gs section in chapter 4.
Turn off sounds you do not need or mute the system speaker.
To mute sounds: from the Sta r t menu, tap HP settin gs. For
more information about HP settings, see the Usin g HP
settin gs section in chapter 4.
Connect to AC power when connected to any peripherals
requiring power.
Connect to AC power when connected to your desktop PC.
Chapter 4 | Learning about the buttons, hard icons, and settings| 21
4 | Learning about the
buttons, hard icons, and
This chapter describes how to:
turn the HP J ornada on and off
lock the hardware buttons
use and reconfigure the hard icons
adjust settings, such as brightness and volume
set a password
Turning the HP Jornada 430/430se on and off
One of the most convenient features of Windows CE and the
HP J ornada is “instant on.” With instant on, you do not have to
wait for the P/PC to start up or shut down; you can start working
immediately by pressing the On /Off button at the lower right
corner of the P/PC.
Alternately, you can turn on the P/PC by:
Pressing the Sta r t button
Pressing the Recor d button
Holding the stylus down on one of the hard icons
Tapping the screen
When you are finished, turn off the P/PC by pressing the On /Off
button. Turning off the HP J ornada simply suspends operation.
When you turn it on again, you can start working where you left
22 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
To conserve battery power, you can set the HP J ornada to
auto-suspend after a preset period of continuous idle time. By
default, the P/PC auto-suspends after 3 minutes while running
on battery power. (For more information on auto-suspend and
tips for conserving battery power, see the Op tim izin g
b a tter y life section in chapter 3.)
Locking the hardware buttons
Pressing the Recor d button or the Sta r t button powers on the
P/PC. To avoid powering on the P/PC accidentally (which would
drain the battery), you can lock the hardware buttons that are on
the left side of the P/PC.
To lock the buttons
1. Press and hold the On /Off button to lock the buttons.
When the volume is not muted, a sound indicates that
Button Lock is enabled, and the lock icon
in the taskbar.
To unlock the buttons
1. When the buttons are locked, press and hold the On /Off
button to unlock the buttons. When the volume is not
muted, a sound indicates that Button Lock is
disabled, and the lock icon
disappears from the
When Button Lock is enabled, all hardware buttons are disabled,
except for the On /Off button. You can change the button lock
settings on the Dr iver s tab of HP settings.
Using the hard icons
To launch Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, or OmniSolve, tap the
appropriate icon at the bottom of the display. If you double-tap
the icon, the Edit windows for Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks are
Chapter 4 | Learning about the buttons, hard icons, and settings| 23
To reconfigure the hard icons
1. Tap Settin gs from the Sta r t menu.
2. Tap Bu tt on s.
3. Tap the P r ogr a m tab.
4. Tap the name of the hard icon (under P r ogr a m
b u t t on s) that you want to reconfigure.
5. Select the program under Bu tton a ssign m en t that you
want to associate with the hard icon.
6. Tap OK.
Adjusting settings
You can adjust P/PC settings to suit the way you work. Tap
Sta r t and then Settin gs to see the settings available on your
You might want to adjust the following:
Bu tt on s, to associate program buttons with specific programs
and to adjust the Act ion button
Com m u n ica tion s, to set up a name and description for the
P/PC and to adjust the connection to your desktop PC
Dia lin g, to adjust dialing location settings and patterns, such
as country codes
P a ssw or d , to limit access to your P/PC
For information on a particular setting, you can do either of the
Open the setting, tap Sta r t, and then tap Help .
Open the setting, and then tap and hold on the label of the
item you want more information about, as shown in the figure
24 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Using HP settings
The HP settings control panel has three tabs:
Settin gs—Allows you to adjust screen brightness and
contrast, speaker volume. Also displays remaining battery
Mem or y—Displays total and available (free) Storage and
Program memory.
Dr iver s—Allows you to select the display colors and
customized button settings, and to select how the battery is
To start HP settings
1. Tap the Sta r t button, and then tap HP settin gs.
Hold the Sta r t button for 1 second.
Using the Settings tab
To set brightness, contrast, and volume
1. Open HP settings and tap the Settin gs tab.
Chapter 4 | Learning about the buttons, hard icons, and settings| 25
2. Adjust the contrast, brightness, and volume sliders, and
then select or deselect the Mu te check box to mute or
restore the system volume. Or simply select one of the
four preset profiles.
You can adjust brightness, contrast, and volume by using the
Act ion button. Rock it to cycle through the profiles, and press
it to select the preferred one.
To change the preset profiles
1. Open HP settings and tap the Settin gs tab.
2. Select the radio button of the profile you want to change.
3. Adjust sound, brightness, and contrast sliders to your
4. Tap OK to save the changes and exit, or tap the Close
button (X in the upper right corner) to abandon the
Settings tab
26 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
You can switch to the Volume & Sounds control panel by
tapping the Speaker button.
You can switch to the Power control panel by tapping the
Ba tter y button next to the battery status bar.
Using the Memory tab
To adjust how memory is allocated between
storage and programs
1. Open HP settings and tap the Mem or y tab.
2. Switch to the System control panel by tapping the
Win d ow s button next to the memory status display,
and then tap the Mem or y tab.
3. Move the slider to the left or right.
4. Tap OK to save the changes and exit, or tap the Close
button (X in the upper right corner) to abandon the
Using the Drivers tab
To change the number of colors displayed
1. Open HP settings and tap the Dr iver s tab.
2. Select a display mode (8- or 16-bit) from the Mod e
dropdown list.
3. To save the changes, tap OK. A dialog box asks you to
perform a soft reset. Tap OK and then perform the soft
reset (see the Soft r eset section in chapter 11.)
To abandon the changes, tap the Close button (X in the
upper right corner).
Chapter 4 | Learning about the buttons, hard icons, and settings| 27
Drivers tab
To change button lock options
1. Open HP settings and tap the Dr iver s tab.
2. If you want the Recor d button or Sta r t button to
remain active during button lock mode, select the
corresponding option.
3. Tap OK to save the changes and exit, or tap the Close
button (X in the upper right corner) to abandon the
To maximize battery life when you are running
low on power
1. Open HP settings and tap the Dr iver s tab.
2. Select Use r eser ve b a tter y p ow er .
3. Tap OK to save the changes and exit, or tap the Close
button (X in the upper right corner) to abandon the
28 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
The Use r eser ve b a tter y p ow er allows your P/PC to use up
more of the battery’s reserve power. This power is normally
reserved for retaining your data after the P/PC has reached a
“very low” battery status. Enabling the Use r eser ve b a tter y
p ow er check box option reduces the data retention period
from 14 days to approximately 7 days.
Using HP security
The HP security control panel has three tabs:
P a ssw or d —Allows you to set a primary password and a
reminder password. You use the reminder password if you
forget your primary password.
Activa tion —Allows you to set a password delay timer.
Log—Allows you to log security events.
To start HP security
1. Tap the Sta r t button, tap Settin gs, and then tap
HP secu r ity.
2. If you have already enabled password protection, you
need to enter your primary password to modify settings.
The HP security primary and reminder password are case-
sensitive. If you set a password (using lower and/or upper case
characters) with HP security, you need to type the password in
the exact same way to unlock the P/PC.
The Microsoft Password feature is not case-sensitive.
Using the Password tab
To set your primary password
1. Open HP security and tap the P a ssw or d tab.
2. Enter a Primary Password in the P a ssw or d text box,
and then enter the same password in the Con fir m text
box. Passwords can be 1 to 40 characters long.
3. Tap the E n a ble P a ssw or d P r ot ect ion checkbox.
Chapter 4 | Learning about the buttons, hard icons, and settings| 29
You can also set a primary password with the Microsoft
Password feature (tap Sta r t, Settin gs, and then P a ssw or d ).
Password tab
If you forget your primary password, you can still unlock your
P/PC with the reminder password. However, you cannot access
the HP secu r ity P r op er ties tab to reset your primary
If you forget your primary password, the ONLY way to reset it
is to follow these steps: 1) perform a full backup either to the
desktop PC or to a CF card using HP backup, 2) perform a full
reset on your P/PC, and then 3) restore the backup file to your
You can only backup to your desktop PC if you previously
saved your password when connecting with ActiveSync. If you
did not save your password, use HP backup to backup to a
CF card. For information on full backups and restores, see the
Ba ck in g u p a n d r estor in g d a ta section in chapter 9. For
information on performing a full reset, see the F u ll r eset
section in chapter 11.
30 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
To set a reminder password
1. Open HP security and tap the P a ssw or d tab.
2. Enter any question in the Qu estion text box, and then
enter your answer in the An sw er text box. The
reminder question and answer can be 1 to 40 characters
long. The answer is case-sensitive and can be enabled
only if the primary password is enabled.
3. Tap the En a b le Rem in d er P a ssw or d checkbox.
If you forget your primary password, the only way to unlock
your P/PC is through the reminder password.
Using the Activation tab
To set a password delay timer
1. Open HP security and tap the Activa tion tab.
2. Under P a ssw or d Dela y, tap the Dela y P a ssw or d
a ct iva t ion checkbox, and then enter the number of
minutes to delay. The minimum is 1 minute, and the
maximum is 240 minutes.
3. Under Rem in d er P a ssw or d , enter the number of bad
logon attempts that you want to allow. The minimum is
1 attempt, and the maximum is 20 attempts. You can
modify this only if the reminder password is enabled.
Using the Log tab
To enable logging
1. Open HP security and tap the Log tab.
2. Tap the E n a b le Loggin g checkbox.
To export a log file
1. Open HP security and tap the Log tab.
2. Select a log file, and then tap the Exp or t Log button.
Chapter 4 | Learning about the buttons, hard icons, and settings| 31
3. Enter a file name. The Op tion s button allows you to
choose a location and file type. The Cr ea te In >> button
allows you to choose or create a folder in which to store
t h e file . B y d e fa u lt , t h e file is s t or e d in t h e M y D ocu m e n t s
fold e r
To delete the log files
1. Open HP security and tap the Log tab.
2. Tap the Clea r Log button.
About the log database
The following events are logged when logging is enabled:
Successful logon to HP security
Unsuccessful logon to HP security
Modification of HP security settings
Modification of the primary password
Expiration of the primary password during system logon
Modification of the primary password after logon with the
reminder password during system logon
Successful authentication during system logon
Unsuccessful authentication during system logon
To prevent the log database from taking up too much storage
space, the log database is limited to 550 records. Records are
deleted on a first-in-first-out basis.
32 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Chapter 5 | Learning to use the desktop| 33
5 | Learning to use the
This chapter describes how to:
use the Active Desktop™
use the Start menu, taskbar, command bar, and online help
type, write, and draw
close applications
find files and other information
use shortcuts to help you work faster
Using the Active Desktop
You can use the Active Desktop to display important
information, such as today’s appointments and tasks. You can
also display channel information, such as stock quotes. For more
information, see the Disp la yin g m ob ile d esk t op com p on en t s
section in chapter 7.
34 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
To select the type of information you want to display on the
desktop, tap Sta r t, Settin gs, Disp la y, and then Disp la y
Active Desk top .
Chapter 5 | Learning to use the desktop| 35
Using the Start Menu and taskbar
Use the Sta r t menu on the taskbar to switch programs, display
settings, find information, and view Help for the current
On the taskbar, you can also do the following.
You can change what you see on the Sta r t menu and taskbar by
tapping Sta r t, Settin gs, and then Ta sk b a r .
36 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Using the command bar
The command bar at the top of the P/PC screen includes both
menu names and toolbar buttons. You can decide which you want
to display.
Typing, writing, and drawing on the
HP Jornada
With your P/PC, you can quickly type, write, and draw in the way
that is most convenient for you. You can type with the soft
keyboard, write using character recognition, or write and draw
directly on the screen using your stylus.
In Note Taker, and in notes that you attach to entries in
Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, you can use your stylus to write
on the screen. For more information, see the Cr ea tin g n otes
a n d d r a w in gs section in chapter 9.
You can enter information in any program on your P/PC by
typing with the soft keyboard or writing using character
recognition. First select the input method you want to use in your
P/PC’s input panel. Tap the In p u t Meth od arrow to see your
Typing with the keyboard
To type, tap the In p u t Meth od arrow on the taskbar and select
Keyboa r d . Then tap the keys with your stylus.
Chapter 5 | Learning to use the desktop| 37
You can adjust keyboard settings to suit the way you work. Tap
Sta r t, Settin gs, and then In p u t P a n el. Select Keyboa r d as the
input method, and then tap Op tion s.
Enable swipe shortcuts (gestures) on your keyboard so that you
can do the following:
To insert a space, swipe across the keyboard from left to right.
To delete a character, swipe across the keyboard from right to
To enter a carriage return, swipe the keyboard from top to
To enter the character in uppercase, starting on a key, swipe
Using character recognition
You can use the character recognition software, CIC® J ot™, to
write. Tap the In p u t Meth od arrow on the taskbar and select
J ot Ch a r a cter Recogn izer . When you write a letter in the box,
your handwritten character is converted to typed text that
appears on the screen.
38 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Some letters must be written in a particular way to be
recognized. To see how to write letters, tap the Help button for
an online demonstration or see Appendix A.
Drag your stylus across the panel horizontally from right to
left to delete a character. Drag from left to right to type a
As you type or write, your P/PC anticipates the word you are
writing and displays it above the input panel. When you tap the
displayed word, it is inserted into your text at the insertion point.
The more you use your P/PC, the more words it learns to
Chapter 5 | Learning to use the desktop| 39
To customize the suggested words, tap Sta r t, Settin gs, In p u t
P a n el, and then the Wor d Com p letion tab.
Closing applications
Use bTask to close applications with a single step, switch
between applications, or view the applications currently running.
If your P/PC runs slow or locks up while running applications,
you may have too many applications running at the same time.
Use bTask to close some applications and speed up the system.
Tasks are closed automatically when memory is running low.
To start bTask
1. From the Sta r t menu, tap P r ogr a m s, and then tap
b Ta sk . The bTask icon is added to the taskbar.
To close the active application or all open
1. Tap the bTask icon on the taskbar.
2. Tap Close Act ive or Close All.
40 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
To switch between open applications
1. Tap the bTask icon on the taskbar.
2. Tap the application to which you want to switch.
To close bTask
1. Tap the bTask icon on the taskbar.
2. Tap E xit.
Finding files and documents
EzExplorer from EZOS is your gateway to all the applications,
documents, and other files on your P/PC. It displays information
using familiar folder and file names. In EzExplorer, you can
browse, copy, move, delete, and rename the files and folders in
your system, and you can create shortcuts to frequently used
To start EzExplorer
1. From the Sta r t menu, tap P r ogr a m s, and then tap
EzExp lor er .
For detailed procedures about using EzExplorer, refer to online
Finding information
The Find feature on your P/PC helps you quickly locate
information. Tap Sta r t and then F in d . Enter the text you want
to find, select a data type, and then tap OK to start the search.
Chapter 5 | Learning to use the desktop| 41
Viewing information
Most programs provide a list view, showing the items or files you
have already created in that program. You can display the list in
the manner that is most helpful for you.
You can sort the list on a particular column by tapping the
column heading.
In Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks, you can assign entries to
particular categories and then filter the list to show a specific
In Note Taker, Voice Recorder, and Inbox, you can place files or
messages in folders, and then filter the list to show only the files
or messages in a specific folder.
Learning the shortcuts
The following tips and shortcuts help you work faster.
Turn on the HP J ornada by pressing the On /Off button, by
pressing the Sta r t button, by pressing the Recor d button, by
holding the stylus down on one of the hard icons, or by tapping
the screen.
Press the Sta r t button to bring up the Sta r t menu.
Hold down the Sta r t button to bring up HP settin gs.
Hold down the Recor d button to start recording. Recording
stops when you release the button.
42 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
To play all of your recordings one after another, press the
Act ion button twice. A short beep sounds between recordings.
Press the Act ion button to execute a highlighted item. Rock
this button to scroll up and down through dropdown lists.
Press the E xit button to exit dialog windows.
Reconfigure the hard icons so that they start the applications
that you use most often. To do this, tap Settin gs from the
Sta r t menu, tap Bu tt on s, tap the P r ogr a m tab, and then
follow the directions on the control panel.
Use the AC adapter to plug the HP J ornada into external
power whenever possible, especially when connecting to a
desktop PC or other peripheral, or when letting the LED
indicator flash for extended time periods. For more
information, see the Op tim izin g ba tter y life section in
chapter 3.
In Calendar, to choose the way you prefer to be notified, on
the Tools menu, tap Op tion s, tap the Ala r m button, and
then tap Rem in d er Op tion s.
If you have lost the HP J ornada or replaced it with another
HP J ornada, you can set up the new P/PC with the same data
and settings as the old one, if you previously performed a full
backup using ActiveSync or HP backup.
If you used ActiveSync to back up your data, then follow the
instructions for restoring information to your mobile device in
Microsoft ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer. If you
backed up the P/PC using HP backup, then restore the
information as described in the Usin g HP b a ck u p section in
chapter 9.
Speed up the synchronization process by synchronizing
regularly. If you use Microsoft Outlook, ActiveSync
synchronizes only 2 weeks of calendar data by default. To
change the setting, in the ActiveSync window, click Tools,
Op tion s, and on the Syn c Op tion s tab, select Ca len d a r ,
click Settin gs, and select the options you want.
To open the World Clock control panel quickly, double-tap the
clock in the status area of the taskbar.
To close applications, use bTask, or from the Sta r t menu, tap
Settin gs, tap System , tap Ta sk Ma n a ger , select the
application you want to close, and then tap En d Ta sk .
Chapter 6 | Connecting to a
desktop PC| 43
6 | Connecting to a
desktop PC
This chapter describes how to:
establish a partnership between the HP J ornada and your
desktop PC using Microsoft ActiveSync
connect to another PC (no partnership established)
synchronize data, e-mail messages, and channels
browse the contents of the HP J ornada
transfer files between the HP J ornada and desktop PC
set up a new P/PC from a full backup
Understanding ActiveSync
ActiveSync enables you to synchronize the information on your
desktop computer with the information on your device.
Synchronization is the process of comparing the data on your
device with your desktop computer and updating both computers
with the most recent information.
Using ActiveSync
You use ActiveSync to:
Keep Pocket Outlook data up-to-date by synchronizing your
mobile device with your choice of Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft
Schedule+, or Microsoft Exchange on your desktop computer.
Synchronize Voice Recorder and Note Taker documents
between your device and desktop computer. Your files are
automatically converted to the correct format.
Back up and restore your P/PC data.
Add and remove programs on your P/PC.
Copy (rather than synchronize) files between your device and
your desktop computer.
44 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Minimum PC requirements for ActiveSync
The minimum PC requirements for running ActiveSync are as
Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 3
or greater or Windows® 95/98
Desktop computer with a Pentium processor for Windows NT
Desktop computer with a 486/66 DX or higher processor
(Pentium P90 recommended) for Windows 95/98
16 MB of memory for Windows 95/98 (more memory gives
improved performance) or Windows NT Workstation 4 (32 MB
recommended for Windows NT)
Hard disk drive with 10 to 50 MB of available hard disk space
(actual requirements vary based on selection of features and
your current system configuration)
Available 9- or 25-pin serial communications port (adapter
required for 25-pin communication port)
One CD-ROM drive
VGA graphics card or compatible video graphics adapter at
256 color or higher
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
Options for either the Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or
Windows 95/98:
Audio card/speakers for sound
Microsoft Office 95 or Microsoft Office 97
Windows 95/98 Infrared adapter for synchronization
Modem for remote synchronization
Ethernet LAN connection for remote synchronization
Requirements for Mobile Channels Support
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. Internet Explorer
5.0 is included on the CD, which requires 56 to 98 MB of hard
disk space.
Chapter 6 | Connecting to a
desktop PC| 45
Microsoft Outlook® 2000 System Requirements
Processor: Pentium 75MHz or greater
Operating system: Windows ® 95 or Windows NT ® 4.0
Service Pack 3 or later
Available hard-disk space for installation
Approximately 153 MB (actual installed space varies
according to the configuration options you choose)
Establishing a partnership with a desktop PC
To setup a partnership for the first time, you:
install ActiveSync
connect the P/PC to the desktop PC
complete the New Partnership Wizard
Follow the steps in this section in the order they are
Installing ActiveSync
For more information on installing ActiveSync, read the “Getting
Started with Microsoft® ActiveSync™” user guide.
If you have previously installed Windows CE Services on your
desktop PC, do NOT uninstall it. Install ActiveSync as an
To install ActiveSync
1. Insert the Desktop Software for Microsoft Windows CE
compact disk into the CD-ROM drive on your desktop
2. The ActiveSync Setup Wizard should start
automatically. If it does not, click Ru n on the Sta r t
menu, and then type d:\ setup, where ”d” is the letter
assigned to your CD-ROM drive.
3. Follow the directions on your screen to install and
configure ActiveSync. After ActiveSync is installed, the
46 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Get Con n ected dialog box is displayed. You do not need
to restart your desktop PC.
4. Connect the P/PC to the desktop PC using the travel
cable, as described next.
Connecting by travel cable
The HP J ornada uses a serial connection to communicate with a
desktop PC. The serial connection is established with the travel
cable (included with the HP J ornada) and a 9-pin serial
communications port on your desktop PC.
To connect the HP J ornada to your desktop PC
1. Insert the 9-pin end of the travel cable into a serial port
on your desktop PC.
2. Plug the travel cable into the HP J ornada and connect to
AC power.
3. Turn on the P/PC. ActiveSync checks the communication
port, and starts the New Partnership Wizard, which
leads you through the steps listed in the next section.
You can also connect to a desktop PC using an infrared port (if
the desktop PC also has an infrared port). F or m or e
information, see the Con n ect in g b y in fr a r ed section in this
Chapter 6 | Connecting to a
desktop PC| 47
Establishing a partnership
Partnerships enable your desktop PC to recognize the
HP J ornada when transferring files or synchronizing data.
To follow the New Partnership Wizard
1. The Wizard asks if you would like to set up a
partnership. Select Yes, and then click the Next button.
2. The Wizard asks you to select Synchronization Settings.
When a check box is selected, that information is
synchronized. To customize what gets synchronized,
click the Settin gs button after selecting a type of
information. Click Next .
3. Setup is complete. After you click F in ish to exit,
synchronization starts. Let synchronization complete
before using the P/PC.
You can later change the device name and description using
the Communication control panel on the HP J ornada. On the
Sta r t menu, tap P r ogr a m s, tap Com m u n ica tion , and then
tap Con n ect ion s.
Troubleshooting partnerships
If you are unable to establish a connection between the HP
J ornada and your desktop PC, try the ActiveSync
Troubleshooter. The Troubleshooter provides detailed diagnostic
steps to identify and correct common problems.
To start the Troubleshooter
1. On the Help menu in the ActiveSync window, click
Micr osoft Act iveSyn c Help , double-click the
ActiveSync Troubleshooter book, and double-click
ActiveSync Troubleshooter.
Connecting and disconnecting
After you have established a partnership, ActiveSync
automatically detects the HP J ornada and establishes a
connection whenever you connect the travel cable.
48 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
ActiveSync automatically ends the connection when you
disconnect the travel cable.
Connecting by infrared
You can also use the infrared port on the HP J ornada to connect
to a desktop or notebook PC that is running Windows 95 (or
later). The Desktop Software for Microsoft Windows CE compact
disk includes infrared device drivers for Windows 95.
To configure ActiveSync for infrared connection
1. Set up and configure an infrared port on your desktop or
notebook PC.
For more information about installing and configuring
that device for use with your desktop PC, refer to the
instructions that came with your infrared port.
2. On the F ile menu in the Microsoft ActiveSync window,
click Get Con n ected , and follow the instructions on the
To configure the HP J ornada for infrared
1. On the HP J ornada Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, then tap
Com m u n ica tion s.
2. Tap the P C Con n ection tab. If the control panel does
not show Connect using Infrared Port, tap Ch a n ge
Con n ect ion , and then select In fr a r ed P or t from the
list of available connections.
To establish an infrared connection
1. Line up the infrared port on the HP J ornada with the
infrared device on your notebook or desktop PC.
2. On the HP J ornada Sta r t menu, tap P r ogr a m s, tap
Com m u n ica tion , and then tap P C Lin k .
Line up the IR ports on the two devices so that they are within
20 centimeters (8 inches) of one another.
Chapter 6 | Connecting to a
desktop PC| 49
Connecting to another PC
You can follow the procedure for connecting to another
(non-partner) PC when:
you need to connect your P/PC to a desktop PC other than
your partner
your desktop PC does not recognize your P/PC as its partner
The other desktop PC must have ActiveSync installed.
To connect to a non-partner PC
1. Physically connect the HP J ornada to a PC. The New
Partnership Wizard begins automatically.
2. In the Set Up a P a r tn er sh ip screen, select No, I d on ’t
w a n t t o syn ch r on ize in for m a t ion , and then click the
Next button. You are connected as a guest.
As a guest, you can browse, move, and copy files. When you
disconnect your P/PC from the desktop PC, the settings selected
in ActiveSync for the guest P/PC are deleted.
Your desktop PC will not recognize your P/PC if you log on to
the desktop PC with a different user name, if you perform a
full reset of the HP J ornada by removing all power, or if you
allow the batteries to die.
You can establish partnerships between the HP J ornada and
up to two desktop PCs (for example, your home and your office
A single desktop PC can partner with any number of H/PCs or
P/PCs. This is useful if you have more than one computer
running Windows CE or if a single desktop PC is shared.
Synchronizing data
ActiveSync allows you to select when to synchronize data
between the HP J ornada and desktop PC. You can choose any of
these options:
synchronize automatically each time you connect the HP
J ornada to your desktop PC
50 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
synchronize continuously whenever the synchronized
information changes, for as long as the computers are
synchronize at any moment by clicking the Syn c button in the
Microsoft ActiveSync window
To select when to synchronize
1. In the ActiveSync window, click Tools, Op tion s, and
then the Syn c Mod e tab.
2. Select one of the three radio buttons: Con tin u ou sly
w h ile th e d evice is con n ected , On ly u p on
con n ect ion , or Ma n u a lly.
You can always synchronize manually by clicking the Syn c
button in ActiveSync window.
Synchronizing selected data
You can also choose which items to synchronize:
Ca len d a r , Con ta ct s, or Ta sk s in for m a t ion —Exchange and
update information on the HP J ornada with information
stored in Outlook or Schedule+ on your desktop PC.
E-m a il m essa ges—Share messages between selected folders
in the HP J ornada Inbox and Exchange or Outlook on your
desktop PC. By default, only 3 days of messages are
synchronized. For information on Inbox, see the Settin g u p
In b ox section in chapter 7.
Ch a n n els—Download Internet, intranet, or other Web-
formatted content to the P/PC. For information on channels,
see the Usin g Ch a n n els section in chapter 7.
To specify data to synchronize
1. On the Tools menu of the ActiveSync window, click
Op tion s, and then click the Syn c Op tion s tab.
2. Select the data you want to synchronize. By default,
e-mail (message) synchronization is disabled (see the
figure on the next page).
Chapter 6 | Connecting to a
desktop PC| 51
3. To set specific options (for example, to indicate how
many weeks of Calendar data to synchronize, or to
synchronize only active tasks), click Settin gs.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each information type.
Speed up the synchronization process by synchronizing
regularly. If you use Microsoft Outlook, ActiveSync
synchronizes only 2 weeks of calendar data by default.
Synchronizing e-mail messages
During synchronization, messages are copied from the Inbox
folder of Exchange or Outlook on your desktop computer to the
Inbox folder on your P/PC.
52 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Messages in the Outbox folder on your P/PC are also transferred
to Exchange or Outlook, and then sent from those programs.
The messages on the two computers are linked, so when you
delete a message on your P/PC, it is also deleted from your
desktop computer the next time you synchronize.
Synchronizing channel information
During synchronization, channel information (Web content) is
copied to your P/PC. It can be viewed either from Channels or on
your Active Desktop as a mobile desktop component, depending
on the channel format you have subscribed to. See the Usin g
Ch a n n els and Disp la yin g m ob ile d esk t op com p on en t s
sections in chapter 7 for more information.
Resolving synchronization conflicts
If the same item (for example, an appointment or a task) has
been modified on both the desktop PC and on the HP J ornada,
ActiveSync indicates that a synchronization conflict has occurred.
To resolve a synchronization conflict
1. When an alert informs you that there are unresolved
items, on the Tools menu of the ActiveSync window,
click Resolve item s.
2. Follow the directions on the screen.
You can also resolve conflicts automatically by setting a default
option for conflict resolution.
To set a default option for conflict resolution
1. On the Tools menu of the ActiveSync window, click
Op tion s, and then click the Ru les tab.
2. Under Con flict Resolu tion , select a new setting.
Browsing the HP Jornada desktop
While the HP J ornada is connected to a desktop PC, you can use
ActiveSync to browse the contents of the HP J ornada from your
Chapter 6 | Connecting to a
desktop PC| 53
To browse the HP J ornada desktop
1. On the F ile menu of the ActiveSync window, click
Exp lor e. Windows Explorer opens the Mobile Device
You can cut, paste, and copy files between folders on the P/PC, or
transfer files between the P/PC and your desktop PC, simply by
dragging the file icons between the appropriate folders.
Transferring files between your P/PC and the
desktop PC
All files you create on your P/PC, such as Voice Recorder and
Note Taker files, are stored in the My Documents folder. You can
see these files by double-clicking your P/PC icon in the
ActiveSync window on your desktop computer.
You can copy files between the HP J ornada and desktop PC in
two ways:
by dragging icons to or from the P/PC icon in the ActiveSync
window on your desktop PC
by using the Cu t, Cop y, and P a ste commands on the Ed it
Transferring Note Taker files
When Note Taker files are copied to the desktop computer,
ActiveSync converts them to .doc files, and they can be opened in
Microsoft Word. Similarly, when Microsoft Word (.doc) files are
copied to the P/PC, ActiveSync converts them to Note Taker
(.pwi) files.
Transferring Voice Recorder files
Voice Recorder files remain .wav files on both your P/PC and
desktop computer. Synchronization gives you a handy way to
move your Voice Recorder files to your desktop computer.
A special playback codec, provided with the ActiveSync
installation, is needed to play P/PC .wav files recorded in Mobile
Voice format on your desktop computer. PCM files can be played
on any desktop PC.
54 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Setting up another P/PC from a full backup
If you have lost the HP J ornada or replaced it with another
HP J ornada, you can set up another P/PC with the same data
and settings as the old one by using a full backup from either
ActiveSync or HP backup.
To set up a new P/PC from a full backup
1. If you used ActiveSync to back up your data, then follow
the instructions for restoring information to your mobile
device in Microsoft ActiveSync Help on your desktop
2. If you backed up the P/PC using HP backup, then
restore the information as described in the Usin g HP
b a ck u p section in chapter 9.
If you want hard copies of files on your P/PC, you must transfer
them to your desktop PC for printing. You cannot print files
directly from the P/PC (unless you install third party software).
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 55
7 | Using Channels and
This chapter explains how to:
use Channels
set up a dial-up connection and Inbox to send and receive
use Inbox
send and receive CompuServe e-mail
set up an Ethernet connection
use Windows CE Inbox Transfer
Using Channels
A channel (or mobile channel) is a Web site or other Web-
formatted content that is available for offline viewing on your
P/PC. Channels allows Internet, intranet, or other Web-
formatted content to be automatically downloaded to your P/PC
from your desktop computer via synchronization. For more
information on synchronizing channels, see ActiveSync Help on
the desktop computer and see the Syn ch r on izin g d a ta section
in chapter 6.
Content can be updated on a regular basis, such as updates from
a news channel, or on a one-time basis, such as movie listings
from an entertainment channel.
Channels and automatic updates to them are managed on the
desktop computer by Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. Use
Internet Explorer on your desktop computer to view channels
Requirement for mobile channels support
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher
Internet Explorer 5.0 is included on the Desktop Software for
Microsoft Windows CE compact disk. Internet Explorer 5.0
56 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
requires 56 to 98 MB of hard disk space and a 486/66 or higher
processor. Service Pack 3 or higher is required for Windows NT
systems (also included on the CD).
Getting started with channels
A special Web site has been set up to help you get started using
channels. For information on getting started with channels on
your P/PC, go to:
w w w .m icr os oft .com /w in d ow s ce /P r od u ct s /d ow n loa d /ch a n -s t a r t .a s p .
If the Web site is down, you can follow these steps:
To make the current Web page available offline
1. In Internet Explorer 5.0, click the F a vor ites menu, and
then click Ad d to F a vor ites.
2. Select the Ma k e a va ila ble offlin e check box.
3. To specify a schedule for updating that page, and how
much content to download, click Cu stom ize.
4. Follow the instructions on your screen.
The channel is added to the Internet Explorer Channel
Bar, and the channel information is downloaded to your
desktop or laptop computer. Once the channel
information has been downloaded, you need to transfer
the information to your P/PC.
In Internet Explorer 4.0, offline viewing is called
Personalizing channels on the P/PC
Some channels are divided into content areas, and you can
choose which you want to download. You can also specify the
amount of information transferred to your P/PC, and you can
remove channels.
To choose which content areas you want to
download to your P/PC
1. Double-tap the Channel icon to switch to Channels, or
tap Sta r t, then Ch a n n els.
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 57
2. Tap F ile, and then Ch a n n els.
3. Select the channels and content areas you want.
To specify the amount of channel information
that is transferred to your P/PC
1. Tap View , and then Op tion s. Channel information is
stored on your P/PC, and new content replaces older
To remove a channel and all of its content
1. Tap F ile, and then Ch a n n els.
2. Clear the channel that you want to remove.
Viewing channel content on the P/PC
Whenever new content is available for one of your channels, you
see the Channel icon in the status area of the taskbar.
To view channel content
1. Double-tap the Channel icon to switch to Channels, or
tap Sta r t, then Ch a n n els.
2. Tap an icon on the Channel bar, or tap the Exp lor e
Ch a n n el button to quickly navigate to a channel or to a
specific page within a channel. For more information
about Channels, see online Help on the P/PC.
58 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Explore Channel
Channel bar
Displaying mobile desktop components
The P/PC includes an Active Desktop feature that can display
specialized channel content for quick reference. Similar to
Channels, content for mobile desktop components is
synchronized with the desktop computer. For example, a content
provider might create a mobile desktop component that updates
and displays key financial market indices during the day.
To display mobile desktop components on the
Active Desktop
1. Tap Sta r t, Settin gs, and then Disp la y.
2. Select the components you want to display.
Sending and receiving messages with Inbox
With Inbox, you can keep in touch with your office, home, and
clients by sending and receiving e-mail messages in any of these
send and receive messages using a dial-up connection to an
ISP or an Ethernet connection to your Corporate Network (see
this section and the Settin g u p a n Eth er n et con n ection
section in this chapter).
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 59
synchronize messages with Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft
Outlook on your desktop computer (see the Syn ch r on izin g e-
m a il m essa ges section in chapter 6)
transfer individual messages using Windows CE Inbox
Transfer (see the Usin g Win d ow s CE In b ox Tr a n sfer in
this chapter)
Setting up a dial-up connection and Inbox
To use Inbox to send and receive messages using a dial-up
connection to an ISP or your corporate network, you need to:
have access to a phone line
install a CF card modem
get a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) or SLIP (Serial Line
Internet Protocol) account to an Internet Service Provider
set up a dial-up connection on the HP J ornada
set up Inbox
The following sections describe these steps in detail. The
following figure depicts how the connection is made.
Connecting to an ISP or corporate network (Remote Access
60 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Installing and configuring a modem
The HP J ornada 430/430se supports CompactFlash Card
modems. The CF Card modem fits into the CF slot. For
information on installing CF Cards, see the In ser tin g a n d
Rem ovin g Com p a ctF la sh Ca r d s section in chapter 10. For a
list of compatible CF card modems, go to www.hp.com/jornada.
Getting an account with an Internet service provider
To send and receive e-mail, you need to contact an ISP to set up a
PPP account. SLIP accounts are offered by some ISPs instead of
PPP accounts. The HP J ornada supports the use of SLIP as well
as PPP.
Your ISP gives you the configuration information you need to
connect the HP J ornada to e-mail service.
Setting up to send and receive messages
To set up to send and receive messages, you:
set up a dial-up connection to your ISP
set up Inbox
Setting up a dial-up connection to your ISP
After you have established an account with an ISP, you can set
up a connection on the HP J ornada.
To set up a dial-up connection
1. Install a CF card modem or use an external modem
connected to your P/PC through a serial cable.
2. On the Sta r t menu, tap P r ogr a m s, tap
Com m u n ica tion , and then tap Con n ect ion s.
3. In the Connection folder, double-tap Ma k e New
Con n ect ion .
4. In the Ma k e New Con n ect ion dialog box, type a name
for the connection, select Dia l-Up Con n ect ion , and
then tap Next .
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 61
5. In the Select a m od em dropdown list, make sure the
modem you have inserted is selected. If the modem
name does not appear here, the modem may not be
inserted fully. Remove and reinsert the modem, then
check the modem list again.
6. Tap Next and fill in the country code, area code, and
phone number provided by your Internet Service
Provider. Tap F in ish . A new icon with the name you
specified appears in your Connection folder. This
connection also appears on the Sta r t menu in the
Com m u n ica tion submenu.
You should not need to change any settings in the Con figu r e
or TCP /IP Settin gs dialog boxes. Most ISPs now use server-
assigned addresses. If the ISP you are connecting to does not
use server-assigned addresses, enter the addresses in the
TCP /IP Settin gs dialog box. When finished, select Next .
Setting up Inbox
Before you can send and receive e-mail, you need to set up Inbox
to use the connection you just created.
To setup Inbox to use a dial-up connection to your
ISP or corporate network
1. From the Sta r t menu, tap In b ox.
2. Tap Com p ose, Op tion s, the Ser vices tab, and then
the Ad d button. The Services window is displayed.
3. If the connection is to an Internet service provider,
select Internet Mail as the service name. Tap OK. The
Service Name window is displayed.
62 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
4. Use the keyboard to enter a unique service name, and
then tap OK.
5. In the Service Definiton (1/3) window, choose the name
of your dial-up connection from the dropdown list.
6. Display the keyboard, and type in the name of your
POP3 (or POP or PO) host, your User ID, and your
password as provided by your Internet Service Provider.
You can also type in the name of the SMTP host and the
return address.
7. Tap the Next button.
8. Select your general preferences, and then tap the Next
9. Select your Inbox preferences, and then tap F in ish .
10. Tap OK on the Options window.
Using Inbox
After setting up a dial-up connection and Inbox, you are ready to
connect your phone line to your modem, and then dial in.
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 63
To connect to your ISP
1. Plug your modem’s phone cord into a standard phone
jack, making sure you connect to a phone line supported
by your modem. Follow the instructions provided by the
manufacturer. Most CompactFlash Card modems use
analog phone lines.
2. To use your new connection, double-tap the new icon in
the Connection folder (or select the new icon from the
Sta r t/P r ogr a m s/Com m u n ica tion menu).
3. Fill in the User Name and Password provided by your
Internet Service Provider.
4. Tap Dia l P r op er ties. Select a location, and then enter
your country and area code.
5. Tap Ed it if you need to edit the dialing pattern for local,
long distance, or international calls.
To see the Ed it button you must hide the keyboard. Tap
the keyboard icon in the taskbar to hide the keyboard,
tap again to display it.
When you are finished editing, tap OK.
6. Tap Con n ect to begin dialing.
If you are unable to find an analog phone line, use the line
dedicated to a fax machine. Fax machines use only analog
Downloading e-mail messages
To download e-mail messages
1. From the Sta r t menu, tap In b ox.
2. Establish a connection to the server by tapping Ser vice
and selecting the connection you want to use.
3. Tap Con n ect to start downloading.
To download e-mail messages when you are
already connected to the server
1. Tap Ser vice.
2. Tap Refr esh .
64 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
The mail that you receive using a dial-up connection appears in
the Inbox folder on your P/PC, together with the mail you
synchronize with your desktop computer. Messages that you
receive remotely are linked to your mail server rather than your
desktop computer.
Working online
You can work online, which means that you read and respond to
messages while connected to the server. Messages are sent as
soon as you tap Sen d , which saves space on your P/PC.
Working offline
You can also work offline. Once you have downloaded new
message headers or partial messages, you can disconnect from
the server and then decide which messages to download
The next time you connect, Inbox downloads the complete
messages you have marked for retrieval and sends the messages
you have composed (see Receivin g m essa ges for details).
Receiving messages
When you receive a message, double-tap it to open it.
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 65
When you connect to your Internet mail service, by default Inbox
downloads only the first 100 lines of each new message to the
Inbox folder. No mail attachments are downloaded.
When you synchronize with your desktop computer, only the first
100 lines of each new message are downloaded. The original
messages remain on the mail server or your desktop computer.
To mark the messages that you want to retrieve
in their entirety
1. Select the message, tap Ser vice, and then tap Retr ieve
F u ll Cop y. The icons in the Inbox message list give you
visual indications of message status.
2. The next time you synchronize or connect to your mail
service, the messages you marked are downloaded
66 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Changing downloading preferences
You specify your downloading preferences when you set up the
service or select your synchronization options. You can change
them at any time.
To change Inbox delivery options for mail
1. See ActiveSync Help on the desktop computer.
To change Inbox delivery options for remote mail
(mail received via a dial-up connection)
1. In Inbox on your P/PC, tap Ser vice, and then tap the
service name.
2. Tap Ser vice again, and tap P r op er ties.
You need to download a full message before you can view its
Scheduling meetings and processing requests
Microsoft Exchange users can use Inbox to schedule meetings
remotely. Your network administrator must enable Microsoft
rich text support for any accounts that are accessed by mobile
device users.
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 67
To process meeting requests, you need to download the complete
message, either by marking specific messages for downloading or
by choosing to download all messages completely during the
service setup. In addition, make sure to enable the Meet in g
r equ ests option during the service setup.
Sending messages
To compose a new message
1. Tap Com p ose, and then New Messa ge.
Tap the New Messa ge button on the toolbar.
2. Enter an e-mail address in the To box, or select a name
from the Address Book.
All e-mail addresses entered in the e-mail fields in
Contacts appear in the Address Book.
To send your message
1. Tap F ile and then Sen d .
Tap the Sen d button on the toolbar.
68 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Messages are placed in your Outbox folder on your P/PC
and are delivered to their destination in one of two ways:
They are transferred to the Outbox folder in
Exchange or Outlook on your desktop computer the
next time you synchronize.
They are transmitted to your mail server the next
time you connect remotely. In Inbox, make sure the
appropriate service is selected on the Ser vice
menu. Then tap Con n ect.
Disconnecting from your ISP
To disconnect the dial-up connection
1. Double-tap the Connection icon on the taskbar.
2. Tap Discon n ect.
Sending and receiving CompuServe
If you are a member of CompuServe, you can use Inbox to receive
your CompuServe e-mail on the HP J ornada. To do this, you need
Use the Web browser and Internet account on your desktop
PC (partner) to go to the CompuServe Web site at
Follow the instructions that are provided at that site for
creating a POP3 mailbox. Be sure to choose a mailbox
password that the HP J ornada can support (that is, clear
Create a connection on the HP J ornada, as described in the
Settin g u p a d ia l-u p con n ection to you r ISP section in
this chapter. You have all the account information you need
when you finish creating your POP3 mailbox at the
CompuServe site.
Set up (and name) the Inbox mail service connection. See the
Settin g u p In b ox section in this chapter.
Chapter 7 | Using Channels and Inbox| 69
After you have completed these initial setup procedures, you are
able to send and receive your CompuServe e-mail just as you
would with any other Internet e-mail account.
Setting up an Ethernet connection
The HP J ornada can also connect to networks via Ethernet cards
(CompactFlash Type II cards). Check the manufacturer’s
installation instructions for information on how to set up the
Using Windows CE Inbox Transfer
You can use Windows CE Inbox Transfer to copy or move specific
messages between Exchange or Outlook and your P/PC, and you
can move them into folders other than the Inbox. The messages
on the two computers are not linked. You can modify or delete
messages from one location without affecting the other.
You can also use this method to move messages to your desktop
computer that you have received on your P/PC from other
services, such as paging and faxing services.
To transfer messages
1. Connect the P/PC to the desktop computer.
2. In either Exchange or Outlook, click Tools, then
Win d ow s CE In b ox Tr a n sfer , and then indicate what
you want to do.
70 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Chapter 8 | Managing appointments and the address book| 71
8 | Managing appointments
and the address book
The Hewlett-Packard J ornada 430/430se comes with programs
designed to help you stay organized. You can manage your
contacts, tasks, and calendar while you are away from your
office. When you return, you can synchronize the HP J ornada
with your desktop or notebook PC to ensure that the databases
on the HP J ornada are always up to date with the Microsoft
Outlook or Schedule+ data on your desktop.
You can also set alarms and reminders so you never forget an
appointment or meeting. This chapter contains information
about and basic procedures for:
Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks have a card view and a list view.
Card view allows you to enter or view the details for each entry.
List view allows you to view all entries.
You can switch to these programs at any time by tapping them
on the Sta r t menu.
More information on the procedures described in this chapter,
as well as information on additional procedures, can be found
in online Help on the P/PC. Tap Sta r t, Help , and then the
item you want information on.
Calendar— Scheduling meetings and
Use Calendar to schedule appointments, meetings, and other
events. Check your appointments in one of several views (Day,
Week, Month, Year, and Agenda). Switch among the views by
tapping the corresponding command bar button.
72 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
You can display today’s appointments on your Active Desktop.
Tap Sta r t, Settin gs, Disp la y, Disp la y Active Desk top , and
then select Ap p oin tm en ts.
Enter the details for an appointment on the appointment card.
You can quickly display a new appointment card by double-
tapping the Calendar hard icon.
Chapter 8 | Managing appointments and the address book| 73
If you need to schedule a meeting with people who use Outlook,
Pocket Outlook, or Schedule+, you can use Calendar to schedule
the meeting. When attendees receive a meeting request, they can
accept or decline the meeting. If they accept, the meeting is
automatically added to their schedule. In addition, their response
is automatically sent back to you, and your calendar is updated.
Before you can send a meeting request, you need to enter e-mail
addresses in Contacts and set up Inbox to send and receive
messages. For information on using Contacts and Inbox, see the
Con ta cts— Tr a ck in g fr ien d s a n d collea gu es section in this
chapter, and the Settin g u p In b ox section in chapter 7.
To create a meeting request
1. Tap Tools, Op tion s, and then select a mail transport. If
you send and receive messages using synchronization,
select Win d ow s CE In b ox Ser vices. If you connect to
an ISP or network, select the service you set up in Inbox.
2. Tap F ile and then Ma k e Meet in g.
3. Enter the meeting information.
4. Select the contacts you want to invite.
5. Select other desired options and then OK.
74 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Inbox automatically creates a meeting request and sends it to the
attendees the next time you connect to your mail server or
synchronize with your desktop computer.
Your P/PC reminds you about your appointments and
meetings by sounding an alarm, flashing the notification light,
or displaying a message on the screen. To change how you are
notified, tap Tools and then Op tion s. Tap the Ala r m button
and then Rem in d er Op tion s.
Contacts— Tracking friends and colleagues
Contacts maintains a list of your friends and colleagues so that
you can easily find the information you are looking for, whether
at home or on the road. Using the P/PC IR port, you can also
quickly share Contacts information with other Windows CE-
based mobile device users.
You can quickly create a contact card by double-tapping the
Contacts hard icon.
Enter the details for a contact on the contact card. You can enter
both business and personal information.
To change the type of information that appears in your list,
tap Tools and then Cu stom ize Colu m n s.
Chapter 8 | Managing appointments and the address book| 75
Tasks— Keeping a to-do list
Use Tasks to keep track of what you have to do. Overdue tasks
are displayed in red.
Enter the details for a task on the task card. You can assign a
task to a category, and if you associate a date with a task, you
can set a reminder for it.
76 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
All active tasks (tasks that have a start date before the current
date and are not marked completed) are displayed in the Active
Tasks box in the Agenda view of Calendar.
Display your active tasks on the Active Desktop. For more
information, see the Usin g th e Active Desk top section in
chapter 5.
Chapter 9 | Managing information and calculations| 77
9 | Managing information
and calculations
This chapter contains information about:
Microsoft Note Taker
Voice Recorder
backing up and restoring data
the OmniSolve calculator from LandWare
Creating notes and drawings
Note Taker with Rich Ink technology makes it easy to write,
draw, and make lists quickly, the way you are used to writing on
paper but even better, because you can edit and format what
you have written or drawn.
To use Note Taker, tap Sta r t, then Note Ta k er .
You can create a new note by tapping the New button, or you can
tap the New arrow and tap a template to start with a note in
which the formatting and structure are already in place.
78 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Entering information
With Note Taker, you can enter information in the way that is
easiest for you. You can use the input panel to type using the
keyboard, or you can write using the character recognizer. You
can also write and draw directly on the screen.
When you display the input panel, you see the insertion point,
indicating where the text will be placed.
When you hide the input panel, the insertion point disappears,
and you can write or draw anywhere on the screen.
Writing and drawing
You can use your stylus to write and draw directly on the screen.
Chapter 9 | Managing information and calculations| 79
To create a drawing, on your first stroke, cross three ruled lines.
A drawing box appears. Subsequent strokes in or outside the
border of the drawing box become part of the drawing.
You might want to switch to full-screen display so that you can
see as much as possible on the screen. Tap View , then F u ll
Scr een . Tap Restor e to see the command bar again.
Editing and formatting a note
You can edit text you have entered using a keyboard or character
recognizer. You can also edit handwritten notes and drawings. To
select the text or picture you want to edit, hide the input panel,
tap the Select button, and drag your stylus over the text or
Instead of tapping the Select button, you can press and hold
the Act ion button as you drag the stylus.
Tap the Ed it button to see your editing options. The options
available depend on what you have selected: text, handwriting,
or a drawing.
80 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
You can apply formatting to a selection, or you can set default
formatting that is applied to everything you then type, write, or
You can also use the Sp a ce button to increase or decrease the
space between elements on your screen.
Instead of tapping the Sp a ce button, you can insert and
remove space by pressing and holding the E xit button as you
drag the stylus.
Saving your notes
When you have finished a note, tap OK to save it and return to
your list of notes. Note Taker automatically names your note as
Chapter 9 | Managing information and calculations| 81
The first 21 characters of the first line of typed text are used as
the note name.
If no text is included in the note, but the note has been assigned
to a folder, the notes are given the folder name and an
incremental number (Tradeshow1, Tradeshow2, and so on).
If no text is included and no folder is assigned, the notes are
named Note1, Note2, etc.
To name a note yourself, to place it in a folder, or to change the
file format, tap F ile and then Sa ve As.
Each note in Note Taker is a file. Note Taker files are saved in
Note Taker (.pwi) format, which synchronizes with Microsoft
Word files, as described in Chapter 6. You have two additional
choices for file formats:
To import the file into a program that supports rich text, save the
note in Rich text for m a t (.rtf). Handwritten words and
drawings are lost.
To import the file into a program that does not support rich text,
save the note as a Text on ly n ote (.txt). Handwritten words and
drawings, and all formatting, are lost.
Organizing your notes
You can keep track of your notes by renaming them and placing
them in folders. For example, you can create a folder called My
Novel and place all relevant notes in that folder. All the notes in
the selected folder appear in the list view.
82 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Recording voice memos
Quickly capture thoughts and reminders, ideas, and phone
numbers with Voice Recorder. Use it in the way that is most
convenient for you: using the hardware buttons on your P/PC or
using the buttons on your screen.
Voice Recorder is intended for recording personal voice memos
and is not suitable for recording presentations, music, or
lectures. Some static or electrical noise may be heard during
You can use the buttons on your P/PC to record and play
recordings one-handed.
Making a recording
Do this
Press and hold the Recor d button.
You hear one beep when it is ready
to record.
Stop recording
Release the Recor d button. You
hear two beeps when recording
Playing a recording
Do this
Press the Act ion button.
Press the Act ion button.
Chapter 9 | Managing information and calculations| 83
Press the E xit button (returns to
the beginning of the recording).
Play all
Press the Act ion button twice
(plays all messages in the list).
Do this
Fast-forward, while
Rock and hold the Act ion button in
the scroll-down position.
Rewind, while playing
Rock and hold the Act ion button in
the scroll-up position.
Scroll through the list
of recordings
Rock the Act ion button up or down
and then quickly release.
Using the screen buttons
Instead of using the P/PC buttons, you can tap the buttons on
your screen to record and play your recordings. A progress bar
and a status bar provide visual indications of the process.
84 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
To skip part of a recording, move the slider to any place in the
recording before you play it.
Adjusting memory
If your P/PC runs out of memory while recording, you hear
several beeps and see an out-of-memory message on your screen.
You can adjust the allocation of memory on your P/PC by tapping
Sta r t, Settin gs, System , and then the Mem or y tab.
If you run out of memory frequently, use a CompactFlash
Memory Card for storing files that you rarely need. For more
information on CompactFlash Memory Cards, see the In ser tin g
a n d Rem ovin g Com p a ctF la sh Ca r d s section in chapter 10.
To save a recording to a CompactFlash card
1. Tap the Tools menu, and then tap Op tion s.
2. On the Gen er a l tab, tap the Sa ve to stor a ge ca r d
check box, and then tap OK.
Voice Recorder uses approximately 300 bytes per second for
recording, using the Mobile Voice format. For example, a 10-
second note uses approximately 3K.
Choosing a recording format
You can record your voice in either the PCM or Mobile Voice
format. PCM format is the default format.
PCM files are larger than Mobile Voice files, but they sound
better. Mobile Voice files are compressed and approximately 25
times smaller than the original size. This enables you to store
more recordings, although the sound quality is less than optimal.
To switch between the PCM and Mobile Voice formats, tap Tools
and then tap Recor d in g F or m a t.
Your recordings are saved as .wav files, which you can transfer to
your desktop computer for playback, editing, and archiving. You
need desktop software that can play .wav files, and you need the
same codec used to make the recording. You can get the Mobile
Voice codec by installing ActiveSync (see the In sta llin g
Chapter 9 | Managing information and calculations| 85
ActiveSyn c section in chapter 6) or go to the following Web site:
If you want to e-mail your recording from your P/PC, use the
PCM file format.
Organizing recordings
Your recordings are saved automatically and given the names
Recor d in g1, Recor d in g2, and so on, by default. These
recordings are listed in the Voice Recorder window.
To quickly rename a recording
1. Tap the recording to select it.
2. Tap it again, and then enter the new name.
You can organize your recordings by renaming them and placing
them in folders. For example, you can create a folder called My
Novel and place all relevant recordings in that folder.
If you display recordings for a particular folder in the Voice
Recorder window, any new recordings you make while that folder
is selected are placed in that folder. They are given the folder
name and an incremental number (My Novel1, My Novel2, and
so on).
Backing up and restoring data
To prevent loss of data, you should back up the HP J ornada data
frequently. You can back up the HP J ornada two convenient
Use ActiveSync to back up all data to your desktop PC.
86 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Use the HP backup application to back up all data or only
Calendar, Task, and Contact (PIM) databases to internal
memory or a CompactFlash Card.
Using ActiveSync Backup at your PC
The ActiveSync Backup feature creates a complete duplicate of
all data stored on the HP J ornada. If you routinely connect to
your desktop PC, this is the best method of data backup. The
backup file is saved on the hard disk of your desktop PC.
When you restore data from a backup file created by ActiveSync,
all data on the HP J ornada is replaced by the data in the backup
file, including files you have created, programs you have
installed, and any system settings and options you have set.
To access the ActiveSync Backup feature, click Ba ck u p /Restor e
on the Tools menu in the ActiveSync window.
Using HP backup
HP backup provides a convenient way to back up data while you
are traveling or while you are away from your desktop PC. You
can back up the information to a CompactFlash Card for secure
storage. You can also back up data to a folder on the HP J ornada.
However, this does not preserve the information if you lose power
or need to perform a full reset.
The backup file (.dbe or .dbb) is always placed in the My
Documents directory. When saving to a CompactFlash Card, a
My Documents directory is automatically created.
To back up data
1. On the Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, and tap HP b a ck u p .
2. Tap Ba ck u p , and then choose one of the backup options:
Select Ba ck u p a ll d a ta to back up all information
stored in RAM, including files you have created,
programs you have installed, and any system
settings and options you have set.
Select Ba ck u p P IM d a ta b a ses to back up only
your Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar databases.
Chapter 9 | Managing information and calculations| 87
3. Follow the instructions on your screen to complete the
backup process.
To restore from a backup file
1. On the Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, and tap HP b a ck u p .
2. Tap Restor e.
3. Tap either Restor e a ll d a ta or Restor e P IM
d a ta b a ses.
4. Select the backup file you want to restore, and then tap
The HP J ornada must have the same regional settings when
you restore as you had when you completed the backup.
Otherwise, you cannot restore the files. To change regional
settings, on the Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, and then tap
Region a l Settin gs.
Using OmniSolve
OmniSolve is a financial application designed specifically for real
estate, retail, and business professionals who use P/PCs to make
financial decisions quickly and accurately. OmniSolve employs a
“form filling” metaphor to give you a problem-solving
environment that is easy, powerful, and flexible.
To start OmniSolve
1. From the Sta r t menu, tap P r ogr a m s, and then tap
Om n iSolve.
For detailed procedures about using OmniSolve, refer to online
88 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Chapter 10 | Customizing the HP Jornada| 89
10 | Customizing the HP
This chapter describes how to:
play music
add sounds
add desktop wallpaper
find new software
add programs
remove programs
add accessories
insert and remove CompactFlash Cards
Playing music on the HP Jornada
Use the Utopiasoft Hum MP3 Player to play music (.mp3 or .wav
files) on the HP J ornada. Hum plays any MP3 file in stereo.
To start Hum
1. From the Sta r t menu, tap Utop ia soft Hu m . The Hum
screen is displayed.
To play MP3 songs, you need to first create a “playlist.” A
playlist is a collection of songs that you can continuously play on
the Hum player, just like you would play a list of songs on an
audio CD. On the Hum player, you can sort, add, or remove the
songs on a playlist to suit your preference.
For detailed procedures on how to create a playlist, add MP3 files
to your P/PC, and play MP3 files, refer to online Help.
You can run other programs on your P/PC while playing the Hum
player. However, you may hear extraneous noise when you move
the stylus on the display.
90 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Adding sounds
The HP J ornada plays sounds (.wav files). You can copy a new
sound file from your desktop PC to the HP J ornada without
converting the file.
To add sounds
1. Connect the HP J ornada to a desktop PC.
2. On the F ile menu of the ActiveSync window, click
Exp lor e. Windows Explorer opens the Mobile Device
3. Drag the .wav file you want to copy from its location on
your desktop PC to the Mobile Device folder.
To use the new sound
1. On the HP J ornada Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, and then
tap Volu m e & Sou n d s.
2. Tap the Sou n d s tab.
3. Choose an event name from the Even t n a m e list.
4. Choose the new sound from the Even t sou n d list.
5. Tap OK.
Adding desktop wallpaper
The HP J ornada can display Windows CE bitmaps (.2bp files).
You can copy Windows CE bitmap images from your desktop PC
to the HP J ornada without converting the files, and you can use
these images as desktop wallpaper on your Windows CE desktop.
To add desktop wallpaper, use the same procedure as for adding
sounds (see the previous section).
To use the new wallpaper
1. On the HP J ornada Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, and then
tap Disp la y.
2. Choose the Disp la y w a llp a p er radio button.
Chapter 10 | Customizing the HP Jornada| 91
3. Choose the new bitmap image from the Wa llp a p er
im a ge dropdown list, and examine the preview image
on the right side of the dialog box.
4. If desired, tap the Tile checkbox.
5. Tap OK.
Finding third-party software
You can add more capabilities to the HP J ornada by installing
third-party software. A variety of commercial software is
available for Windows CE, including custom business
applications, system utilities, and games.
You can get a variety of programs and other useful information
the HP J ornada compact disk and the Desktop Software for
Microsoft Windows CE compact disk included with the
HP J ornada
software distributors and their web sites, including the HP
web site at www.hp.com/jornada/solutions/solution.html
You cannot run programs designed for Windows 95 or
Windows NT on the HP J ornada. The programs that run on
the P/PC must be designed specifically for Windows CE Palm-
size PCs.
Minimum PC requirements for HP Jornada
compact disk
The minimum PC requirements for the HP J ornada compact disk
are as follows:
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0
486 66MHz or faster processor
2x or faster CD-ROM drive
VGA (640 x 480) 256-color monitor
Web browser: Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher, or Microsoft
Internet Explorer 2.0 or higher
92 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Adding programs
You can add programs to the HP J ornada by dragging the
installer program or program file to the ActiveSync window, or
by running the Application Manager (on your desktop PC).
To install programs
1. Download the software program or installer from the
Web to your desktop PC.
Insert the floppy disk or compact disk into the
appropriate drive on your desktop PC.
2. Connect the HP J ornada to your desktop PC.
3. If the program includes an installer program (typically
named Setup.exe or Install.exe), double-tap the installer
program on the desktop PC. The installer program
copies the necessary files to the HP J ornada.
If the program does not have an associated installer or
setup program, drag the program file (typically an *.exe
file type) to the HP J ornada icon in the ActiveSync
window. If the No Con ver ter Selected dialog box
appears, tap OK to copy the file without conversion.
Install software by dragging the program file to the ActiveSync
window only if no installer program is available. Software
installed in this way may not appear on the Rem ove
P r ogr a m s list, and you may have to delete the program
manually if you wish to remove it from the HP J ornada.
To add programs with Application Manager
1. Connect the HP J ornada to your desktop PC, and then
open the ActiveSync window.
2. On the Tools menu in the ActiveSync window, click
Ad d /Rem ove P r ogr a m s.
3. Select the program’s check box.
Chapter 10 | Customizing the HP Jornada| 93
Removing programs
After you have installed a program on the HP J ornada, you can
use the Windows CE Application Manager to remove the
program or to reinstall the program after it has been removed. If
you do not have enough storage memory on the HP J ornada, you
may want to use the Application Manager to temporarily remove
programs you no longer use or programs that you use
You can use either the Application Manager (on your desktop
PC) or the Remove Programs control panel (on the HP J ornada)
to remove programs.
To remove programs with Application Manager
1. Connect the HP J ornada to your desktop PC, and then
open the ActiveSync window.
2. On the Tools menu in the ActiveSync window, click
Ad d /Rem ove P r ogr a m s.
3. Select the program’s check box to remove it from your
Select the program and click Rem ove to remove it from
both your P/PC and desktop PC. See ActiveSync Help for
To remove programs from the HP J ornada with
the Remove Programs control panel
1. On the Sta r t menu, tap Settin gs, and then tap
Rem ove P r ogr a m s.
2. Select the program you want to remove from the
P r ogr a m s list.
3. Tap Rem ove.
Programs stored in ROM cannot be removed. (For a list of
these programs see the Usin g HP J or n a d a ’s b u ilt -in
p r ogr a m s section in chapter 1.)
94 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Adding accessories
You can purchase the following optional accessories.
Spare Travel Cable (F1800A)—Connects the P/PC to the
desktop PC. Requires an AC adapter to charge the P/PC.
Sync Cable (F1258A)—Connects the P/PC to the desktop PC.
Needed only if you buy a Docking Cradle.
External Keyboard (English US keyboard only; F1275A)—To
use this, you must also purchase a Docking Cradle.
Battery Pack (F1287A)
AC Adapter (F1290A)—Requires a travel cable, docking cradle
or external charger to connect to P/PC.
External Charger (includes spare battery pack; F1293A)—
Requires an AC adapter to charge the P/PC.
Serial Adapter (F1295A)—To use this, you must also purchase
a Docking Cradle.
Stylus pack (F1806A)
Docking Cradle (F1804A)—Allows connection to an AC
adapter, a desktop PC, and other accessories such as the
External Keyboard and Serial Adapter.
Leather case (F1794A)
Go to the Hewlett-Packard website at www.hp.com/jornada to
check for new accessories. Combination accessory packages
are also available (for distribution in US only).
Inserting and Removing CompactFlash Cards
CompactFlash Type I and II Cards give the HP J ornada
additional capabilities, such as additional memory, removable
storage, cellular modems, and Ethernet cards. Many cards have
been tested specifically for compatibility with the HP J ornada.
For a list of recommended compatible devices, go to the Hewlett-
Packard Web site at www.hp.com/jornada.
You may also need to install a software driver for a particular
card. The software drivers for Windows CE should be included
with the card or be available from the card manufacturer.
Chapter 10 | Customizing the HP Jornada| 95
To insert the CF card
1. Turn off the P/PC, and close the display cover.
2. Open the CF card door by pressing onto the fingernail
recess and flipping the door open.
3. Connect the P/PC to AC power.
4. Push the card, connector-side first, gently but completely
into the slot. The P/PC turns back on.
5. Replace the door by flipping it back into place.
If you want to use the CF card while on battery power, select
Yes in the P C Ca r d d etected in slot 1 dialog box.
View showing how to insert a CF card
To remove the CF card
1. Close all applications on the P/PC that have open files
on the CF card.
2. Turn off the P/PC, and close the display cover.
3. Open the CF card door by pressing onto the fingernail
recess and flipping the door open.
4. Use the end of the stylus to lever the CF card out. The
P/PC turns back on.
5. Replace the door by flipping it back into place.
96 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Chapter 11 | Troubleshooting| 97
11 | Troubleshooting
If you encounter difficulties while using your HP J ornada
430/430se, this chapter helps you find answers.
If you need information about troubleshooting Microsoft
ActiveSync, see the Tr ou b lesh ootin g p a r tn er sh ip s section in
chapter 6.
The information in this chapter helps you:
Troubleshoot basic problems
Troubleshoot problems with remote connections
Troubleshoot problems with the display
Troubleshoot problems connecting by infrared
Troubleshooting basic problems
If you have a specific problem, review the information below to
see if you can find the answer quickly. Or, go to the HP J ornada
Web site at www.hp.com/jornada/support for current information
about common difficulties. You can also find new software,
drivers, and updated support documentation on this web site.
Diagnosis / Remedy
HP J ornada does not
turn on when not
connected to AC power.
Battery power is too low to run the
P/ PC. Connect to AC power, and
then turn on your HP J ornada.
(Charge the battery regularly to
avoid running out of battery
Battery runs out of
power quickly.
You are using your HP J ornada in
ways that drain the batteries
quickly. See the Op tim izin g
b a tter y life section in chapter 3.
98 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
HP J ornada does not
auto-suspend when
connected to a desktop
PC or when using the
The HP J ornada is designed to stay
on while connected to a computer.
This is the correct behavior. No
action is needed.
HP J ornada
automatically shuts
Batteries are too low to run the
P/ PC. When a critically low
battery-power condition is
encountered, the HP J ornada
initiates a safety shutdown.
Connect to AC power and charge
the battery.
Auto-suspend activated. To
optimize battery power, the
HP J ornada auto-suspends if it is
idle for 1 minute immediately after
power is turned on. The P/PC also
auto-suspends if it is continuously
idle for 3 minutes.
HP J ornada does not
HP J ornada is locked up. Connect
turn on when connected the HP J ornada to external power,
to AC power.
and perform a soft reset. (See the
Resettin g section in this chapter.)
(Caution: You may lose any
unsaved data when performing a
soft reset.)
HP J ornada locks up
when running
applications or it runs
HP J ornada is locked up. Connect
to AC power, and perform a soft
reset. (See the Resettin g section in
this chapter.) Note: Check battery
power regularly to ensure that the
battery is not running low on power
and avoid running several
applications at the same time. Use
bTASK to close applications that
are not in use.
HP J ornada does not
turn on or display
appears to be off, even
though power is on.
The display contrast is too light.
(For more information, see the
Usin g HP set t in gs section in
chapter 4.)
Chapter 11 | Troubleshooting| 99
Backup file created
with the HP backup
application on another
HP handheld device
cannot be restored to
the HP J ornada
File format is not compatible, or file
cannot be found.
Only a PIM database backup file
(.dbb) can be restored from another
HP handheld device to the
HP J ornada 430/430se. Make sure
that you save the backup file (.dbb)
in the My Documents directory on
the other handheld device, and that
the My Documents directory is
copied to the CompactFlash Card
used for the restore action.
The display is not
sensitive to the tap of
the stylus.
The calibration of the stylus may be
offset. Recalibrate the screen by
tapping Sta r t, Settin gs, and then
Stylu s. You can prolong the life of
the screen digitizer by recalibrating
the screen regularly.
Data is lost.
Main battery was removed for more
than 1 minute. Do not remove the
main battery except when replacing
it with a spare one.
HP J ornada was not charged for
more than 2 weeks. Without
charging data will be retained for
up to 2 weeks.
A hard reset (cold boot) was
performed. Backup regularly and
make sure you backup before
storing your HP J ornada for longer
100 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Troubleshooting remote connections
This section offers troubleshooting help for trying to connect your
HP J ornada to other computers. For problems communicating
with your desktop, see ActiveSync Help.
Able to dial out, but unable to make a proper
Make sure the network to which you are trying to connect
supports Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). Your Internet service
provider or network administrator can verify this.
Verify that the location is correct. Tap Sta r t, Settin gs, then
Dia lin g. Make sure that the Loca tion field reflects your
current location; that the location’s dialing pattern is
appropriate; and that the local country and area code are
Connection is unreliable
Make sure the modem is firmly seated and connected to your
device and the telephone jack.
Disable call waiting. Tap Sta r t, Settin gs, then Dia lin g.
Select Disa b le ca ll w a it in g. Then enter the disable code
specified by your telephone company.
Unable to use infrared transfer between Windows
CE-based devices
If you are unable to use infrared to transfer information between
Windows CE-based devices, try the following.
Transfer only one file, or no more than 25 contact cards, at a
Position the infrared ports so that they line up and are less
than 20 centimeters (8 inches) but more than 2 inches apart.
Make sure nothing is between the two infrared ports.
Adjust the room lighting. Some types of light interfere with
infrared communication. Try moving to a different location or
turning off some lights.
Chapter 11 | Troubleshooting| 101
Troubleshooting viewing problems
If you are having trouble viewing your data, here are some
Screen is blank
If the device does not respond when you briefly press the On
Make sure your battery cover is locked.
Adjust the display contrast. On some devices, the screen can
darken or lighten to the point that it appears to be powered
off. For information on adjusting contrast, see the Usin g th e
Settin gs ta b section in chapter 4.
Reset the device. After a full reset, the screen remains blank
for approximately 3 seconds after pressing the On /Off button.
Charge the main battery by connecting to AC power.
After a full reset, the screen remains blank for approximately
3 seconds after pressing the On /Off button.
Screen is dark
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause your device
screen to temporarily darken. This is normal for LCD screens
and is not permanent.
Screen is hard to read
The display can be hard to read if the P/PC has been off for a
long time. The display returns to normal after using it for about
1 minute.
If you are having a hard time viewing a Note Taker document,
try changing the size of the view. To do this, tap the Zoom arrow
on the command bar and select a zoom percentage.
If you are having a hard time viewing Calendar, Tasks, or
Contacts data, try enlarging the display font. To do this within
Calendar, Tasks, or Contacts, tap Tools, Op tion s, and then
select Use la r ge fon t .
102 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Troubleshooting HUM MP3 player
Diagnosis / Remedy
Music becomes
The other applications require
distorted or “broken up” computational resources that affect
when working
with some other
the playback quality. Certain
operations, like transferring files
between the P/PC and the desktop
PC, cause this problem. To ensure
smooth playback, do not open more
than two applications while Hum is
Changes made to
Volume or Mute control
in HP Settings are not
updated in Hum, and
vice versa.
Changes made in Hum or
HP settings do not take effect
immediately. Remember to stop the
Hum player before you mute the
system in HP settings; this helps
save battery power.
Tapping on an area
close to the actual Hum
graphical button can
activate the control.
Accurate tapping on Hum’s control
is dependant on the Hum “skin”
that you are using. The actual
control of the buttons may fall
outside of the graphical button that
your Hum “skin” is showing.
Double-tapping on the
control causes Hum to
stop working (lock up).
Activating controls on Hum
requires only single-tapping. When
Hum seems to stop working, try
doing one of the following:
Single tap on Hum’s logo (yellow
musical note) on the task bar.
Single tap on the bTASK logo on
the task bar.
Press the P ow er switch off and
then on once.
Any one of the above wakes up
Hum from lock-up mode, and a
dialog box appears. Close the dialog
box. Hum is active again.
Chapter 11 | Troubleshooting| 103
Inserting a different
Compact Flash card
that has the same
Playlist name as the
previous card causes
Hum to stop
Hum locked up because it cannot
distinguish between the two cards.
Connect to AC power and perform a
soft reset.
TIP : After inserting a new
CompactFlash card, tap Tr a ck s
and then Up d a te List to update
the Playlist.
responding (lock up).
Cannot use a Playlist
with extension “.m3u”.
The Hum player version in the
HP J ornada does not support a
Playlist with extension “.m3u”.
Occasionally, you may need to reset the HP J ornada; for
example, you may reset after you restore data from your desktop
PC or when the operating system stops responding.
There are two methods of resetting:
Soft r eset —A soft reset (also called “warm boot”) is similar to
restarting your desktop PC. It restarts the operating system
and preserves any saved data, but loses any unsaved data.
F u ll r eset—A full reset (also called “cold boot”) restores the
HP J ornada to its original state, erasing all information,
including saved and unsaved data, you have entered.
To ensure the safety of your information in case a full reset is
necessary, you should regularly back up your data to your
desktop PC (using ActiveSync) or to a CompactFlash Card (using
the HP backup application). For more information on backing up
data, see the Ba ck in g u p a n d r estor in g d a ta section in
chapter 9.
Soft reset
Perform a soft reset after restoring data from a backup file or
when the HP J ornada appears to be “frozen” or “locked up.”
When you perform a soft reset you lose unsaved data in all open
documents or programs. To close all open documents an
programs, use the Task Manager. On the Sta r t menu, ta
Settin gs, tap System , and then select the Ta sk Ma n a ger tab.
104 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
To perform a soft reset
1. Use the stylus to press the Reset button on the back of
the HP J ornada, as illustrated above.
Full reset
Perform a full reset only when the HP J ornada does not respond
to a soft reset. A full reset erases all data you have entered,
including all files, system settings, and programs you have
installed. If you have forgotten your password, you also need to
perform a full reset.
Performing a full reset erases all files, programs, and data you
have entered. You can restore only data that has been backed
up to your desktop PC or CompactFlash Card. (For more
information, see the Ba ck in g u p a n d r estor in g d a ta section
in chapter 9.)
To perform a full reset
1. Disconnect the AC adapter from the HP J ornada.
2. Remove the battery.
3. Use the stylus to press the Reset button for at least 5
4. Reinsert the battery.
5. Restore data to the HP J ornada from your most recent
backup file. For more information, see the Ba ck in g u p
a n d r estor in g d a ta section in chapter 9.
Chapter 12 | Support and service| 105
12 | Support and service
Web site
You can obtain product information as well as tips and hints on
how to get more from the HP J ornada product at our worldwide
Web site. This computer service is provided free of charge; you
pay only for telephone charges and Internet service fees. To
connect to this Web site from a computer via the Internet, go to
Customer support
If you have questions that this User’s Guide or the Web site does
not answer (after checking the contents and index), you can
contact Hewlett-Packard Worldwide Support and Services for
Handheld Products at the telephone numbers listed in the
following table.
If the device requires service, contact Hewlett-Packard for service
information, shipping instructions, and out-of-warranty service
charges before you send your device to HP for repair.
In countries not listed in the table, contact the Hewlett-Packard
authorized dealer or sales office.
For diagnostic instructions and other service information, contact
one of the technical support numbers listed. Please do not ship
your device for service without first contacting a Hewlett-
Packard office. If your device qualifies for in-warranty service, be
ready to supply a dated proof of purchase. In countries not listed
in the following table, contact the Hewlett-Packard authorized
dealer or sales office.
Before you contact us for help, be sure to:
1. Review the manuals whenever possible.
2. Have the following information about the product:
106 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Model number
Serial number
Purchase date
3. Have your product ready to use. The support personnel
may ask you to run tests and other operations.
4. Organize your question or problem. The more detailed
information you can provide, the quicker the support
personnel can help you.
Contacting Hewlett-Packard worldwide
You will be pleased to know that our commitment to quality does
not stop at the sale. Our worldwide customer support network is
available to give you personal telephone service should you need
Belgium (Dutch)
Belgium (French)
Czech Republic
Chapter 12 | Support and service| 107
Hong Kong
J apan
New Zealand
South Africa
Switzerland (German)
Switzerland (French)
108 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Pre-sales Information
(toll-free, no operator is
Support & Service
Palmtops & Organizers
(toll call)
58-800-47888 or
All Customer Care Centers are available during office hours. Pre-
sales Information in the USA is available 24 hours per day, 7
days per week. Support & Service in the USA can be contacted
from 5 am to 5 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 109
A | Jot Character Recognizer
The character recognition software, CIC J ot, gives you a fast and
easy-to-use method for entering information in any program on
your device: just write in the input panel. Each character you
write is translated into typed text and displayed on the screen.
This appendix describes how to use the J ot character recognizer.
It also provides tables showing how and where to draw
characters on the screen for each of the two character sets: the
Natural Character Set and the Simplified Uppercase Character
Select character recognition as your input method by tapping the
In p u t Meth od arrow on your taskbar and tapping J ot
Ch a r a cter Recogn izer .
Using your stylus, write a character in the input panel. The
character is translated into typed text and displayed at the
insertion point on the screen.
110 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Areas of the Input Panel
You can write letters in either uppercase or lowercase. How the
letter is interpreted and displayed depends on where you write it
in the input panel. For example, you can write a letter in
lowercase or uppercase, and it will appear in lowercase if you
write it in the lowercase letter area (a b c) of the input panel.
You can also write punctuation and editing marks, and add or
delete space in the letter areas (a b c and ABC) of the input
panel. For example, draw a horizontal line from left to right to
add space, and from right to left to backspace. See the tables at
the end of this appendix for details.
You can write numbers in the number area (123) of the panel.
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 111
You can also enter common punctuation marks in the number
area. This allows you to write telephone numbers, birthdays, and
Social Security numbers entirely in the number area. See the
tables at the end of this appendix for details.
Enter symbols, such as @ or #, on the symbol input panel.
Display the symbol panel by tapping the Sym b button on the
input panel or by drawing a vertical line from bottom to top,
anywhere in the panel.
When you’ve drawn the symbol, wait and J ot will display the
main panel again automatically, or tap the Sym b button to
return to the main panel immediately.
See the tables at the end of this appendix for a list of symbols
that can be entered in this panel.
Help Writing Characters
The software recognizes several alternative ways of writing a
character. If a character you are writing is misinterpreted, you
can use Help to see an animated demonstration of how to write
the letter. Tap the Help button on the input panel, and then tap
Next . Select the character you want to see, and tap Sh ow .
You can adjust settings to suit the way you work. Tap Sta r t,
Settin gs, then In p u t P a n el. Select J ot Ch a r a cter Recogn izer
as the input method, and then tap Op tion s.
One of your options is to use the Simplified Uppercase Character
Set. For more information about how and where to write
characters using this character set, see “Simplified Uppercase
Character Set” later in this appendix or select this character set
in the Op tion s dialog box and then tap the Help button on the
input panel.
Natural Character Set
The tables in this section show how to use the Natural Character
Set to write letters, numbers, punctuation marks, editing marks,
112 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
and symbols. For each character, the tables show alternatives for
writing the characters. The dots indicate where the strokes
begin; strokes with no dots can be written in either direction.
Where appropriate, the stroke sequence is numbered.
Using the letter areas
You can enter letters, punctuation, and editing marks in the
letter areas (a b c and ABC) of the input panel.
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 113
Stroke options
Stroke options
double quote
Stroke options
Stroke options
Using the number area
You can enter numbers, punctuation, and editing marks in the
number area (123) of the input panel.
A horizontal line drawn from left to right is recognized as a
space character in the letter area of the input panel and as a
dash in the number area.
Stroke options
Stroke options
114 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Writing accented letters
To write an accented letter, write the letter in the letter area and
the accent in the number area.
Accented letters
Stroke options
Stroke options
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 115
Stroke options
Stroke options
Using the symbol panel
In the symbol panel, you can enter symbols and characters that
can’t be entered in the standard input panel.
Character options Character
116 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Character options Character
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 117
Character options Character
Simplified Uppercase Character Set
You can choose to use this character set instead of the Natural
Character Set by selecting it in the CIC J ot Op tion s dialog box.
This character set gives you fewer options for entering each
character, as you’re writing in uppercase only, but allows for
greater flexibility in writing the letters, so you can write faster.
The tables in this section show how to use the Simplified
Uppercase Character Set to write letters, numbers, punctuation
marks, editing marks, and symbols. For each character, the
tables show alternatives for writing the characters. The dots
indicate where the strokes begin; strokes with no dots can be
written in either direction. Where appropriate, the stroke
sequence is numbered.
Using the letter areas
You can enter letters, punctuation, and editing marks in the
letter areas (a b c and ABC) of the input panel.
118 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Stroke options
Stroke options
back delete
Using the number area
In addition to numbers, you can enter punctuation and editing
marks in the number area (123) of the input panel.
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 119
A horizontal line drawn from left to right is recognized as a
space character in the letter area of the input panel, and as a
dash in the number area.
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
Stroke options
dash -
120 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Writing accented letters
To write an accented letter, write the letter in the letter area and
the accent in the number area.
Accented letters
Stroke options
Stroke options
Using the symbol panel
In the symbol panel, you can enter symbols and characters that
can’t be entered in the standard input panel.
You can enter punctuation in the punctuation area (p u n ct) and
symbols in the symbol area (sym b ).
Stroke options
Stroke options
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 121
Stroke options
Stroke options
122 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Appendix A | Jot Character Recognizer | 123
124 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Appendix B | Migrating data from other handheld PC devices | 125
B | Migrating data from
other handheld PC devices
Migrating from non-Windows CE HP handheld
PC devices
If your data is stored on an HP 100/200LX Palmtop PC or an
HP OmniGo Organizer, you must first transfer the data to your
desktop PC. Use the Hewlett-Packard PIM Translation Utility
(for HP devices only) to import the data into Microsoft Outlook or
Schedule+ 7.0a on your desktop PC. After you have imported the
data into Outlook or Schedule+, you can update the information
on your HP J ornada by synchronizing with Outlook or Schedule+
using ActiveSync.
The HP PIM Translation Utility is available from the
HP J ornada compact disk and on the web at http://www.hp.com/
This procedure migrates only Appointment Book and Phone Book
data. Before translating PIM data files, you must install the
version of Schedule+ 7.0a found on the Desktop Software for
Microsoft Windows CE compact disk on your desktop PC.
You can translate only one file at a time. To translate multiple
PIM data files, you need to repeat the Translation operation for
each file separately.
Translating appointment data
Although daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly repeated events are
supported in the Appointment Book applications on the
HP 100LX/200LX palm-size PCs and HP OmniGo 100/120
organizers and in the Calendar application on the HP J ornada,
the Schedule+ application supports only daily and yearly
repeated events. Because all translation goes through Schedule+,
no direct mapping is available from the older device to Schedule+
for repeating weekly and monthly events. As long as you do not
edit imported repeating weekly or monthly events in Schedule+
126 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
before you synchronize them with the HP J ornada, they translate
correctly into repeating events on the HP J ornada. If, however,
you edit them in Schedule+, they lose their weekly/monthly
attribute and are treated as single events.
To translate appointment data
1. Double-click the HP PIM Translation Utility icon to
start the program.
2. In the Welcome screen, click Ap p oin tm en ts.
3. In the Op en F ile dialog box that appears, specify the
appointment data file to translate, and then click OK. If
the file you specify is not a PIM database file of the
appropriate type, you get an error message.
4. In the Ap p oin tm en t Book Tr a n sla tion Note screen,
click OK. The Da ta Tr a n sla tion P r ogr ess screen
appears, showing the progress of current translation
5. When the translation has successfully completed, a
message appears. Click OK to return to the Welcome
Translating Phone Book data
This section describes how to translate Phone Book data, and
describes Phone Book field mapping and how to modify it.
To translate a Phone Book data file
1. Double-click the HP PIM Translation Utility icon to
start the program.
2. In the Welcome screen, click Phone Book.
3. In the Open File dialog box, specify the phone book data
file to translate, and then click OK.
4. In the Phone Book Translation Field Map window, select
mapping options. For more information, see the sections
5. When translation is complete, a message appears. Click
OK to return to the Welcome screen.
Appendix B | Migrating data from other handheld PC devices | 127
Phone Book field mapping
The HP PIM Translation Utility attempts to map the fields in
your Phone Book data file to standard fields in a Schedule+
record. As long as your Phone Book fields have standard names
(that is, you have not modified the Phone Book database field
structure), the translation is straightforward. The suggested
mapping appears in a table in the Phone Book Translation Field
Map screen:
The left column shows the names of fields extracted from the
Phone Book data file. (Only the fields that have data are
The right column shows the names of Schedule+ fields.
An arrow in the center column indicates that the data in a
Phone Book field in the left column is copied to the
corresponding Schedule+ field in the right column. Note that
multiple Phone Book fields (for example, Address1 and
Address2) can be mapped to the same Schedule+ field (for
example, Business address). No arrow in the center column
indicates that there is no mapping and, therefore, the data is
not copied.
You can add or modify the suggested mappings before
translating the data. For example, if you have customized the
name of a Phone Book field so that the HP PIM Translation
Utility does not know how to map it, you can define a mapping
for it yourself.
Name mapping
The Name field in the Phone Book data file can be mapped in
three ways in Schedule+:
If the name in the Phone Book data file is entered as Name1,
Name2 [Name3] (that is, with a comma after the first word), it
is always mapped to the two name fields in Schedule+ with
Name1 = Last Name and Name2 [Name3] = First Name.
If the name in the Phone Book data file does not have a
comma after the first word, you can choose one of two options
for its mapping:
Last name/First name - (default) Name1 [Name3] Name2
maps to Name1 = = Last Name and [Name3] Name2 = First
128 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
First name/Last name - Name1 [Name3] Name2 maps to
Name1 [Name3] = First Name and Name2 = Last Name.
In all cases, Last name is mapped to a single word, with any
additional words such as [Name3] becoming part of First name.
Mapping additions
If a field appears in the left column with no mapping (that is, no
arrow in the center column) select a field name from the
dropdown list of the Schedule+ field immediately to the right of
the field whose mapping you want to define. The field name
appears in the appropriate cell in the right column and a
mapping arrow appears in the center column.
Mapping changes
If a field in the left column is mapped to the wrong field in the
right column, change the mapping by selecting a different
Schedule+ field name from the dropdown list for the
corresponding cell in the right column.
Mapping removal
If a field in the left column should not be mapped to anything,
click None from the dropdown list for the corresponding cell in
the right column. The None option is not available for the Name
field. Translation status review After each translation is
finished, whether it completed successfully or was interrupted,
the results are written onto the Status screen. Click the Status
button on the Welcome screen to see the history of any
translations begun during the current execution of the HP PIM
Translation Utility.
Migrating from Palm III and newer products
Palm V™ and Palm III™ series connected organizers can
synchronize data with Microsoft Outlook 97/98. Chapura
PocketMirror is included with the Palm™ Desktop organizer
software so that your HotSync® operations can synchronize data
between your Palm Computing handheld and Microsoft Outlook.
To use Chapura’s PocketMirror conduit, first install the Palm™
desktop software that is included with your Palm IIIx™ or Palm
V™ organizer. If you choose to synchronize with Microsoft
Appendix B | Migrating data from other handheld PC devices | 129
Outlook, the PocketMirror conduit will be installed with the
Palm desktop software. For more information, go to the Palm
website at www.palm.com.
Migrating from older Palm organizers
If you would like to use PocketMirror to synchronize your
PalmPilot or Pilot organizer with Microsoft Outlook, you will
need to purchase the commercial version of the software from
Chapura™, the maker of PocketMirror. Check with Chapura
Migrating from other non-HP Windows CE
If you already synchronized your data with Microsoft Outlook,
you do not need to do anything. If you want to transfer your data
from your existing CE device to J ornada, you need to synchronize
your current CE device with either Schedule+ or Microsoft
Outlook. For more information on how to do this, consult your
current CE device user guide or contact technical support for
your current CE device manufacturer.
130 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Index | 131
AC adapter
backing up data
connecting, 12
AC Charging LED, 7
using ActiveSync, 86
using HP J ornada
backup, 86
adding, 94
backing up to a CF card, 86
backing up to a desktop PC,
backup battery, 12, 16, 17
action button, 8
Active Desktop, 33
ActiveSync, 49
minimum PC
requirements, 44
changing, 17
charging, 16
desktop wallpaper, 90
programs from the HP
J ornada compact disk,
programs with
Application Manager,
display remaining power,
16, 18, 25
installation, 11
managing power, 15
optimizing life, 20
power control panel, 18
sounds, 90
address book, 74
button assignments, 23
password, 23
adjusting, 24, 25
HP J ornada desktop, 52
bTask, 39
settings, 23
action, 8
Application Manager
installing programs with,
close, 18, 25, 26, 27
exit, 8
locking, 22
closing, 39
power on/off, 8
record, 8
switching, 40
reset, 9
appointments, 71
start, 8
unlocking, 22
132 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
using, 74
using, 71
adjusting, 24, 25
customer service, 105
customizing HP J ornada
desktop wallpaper, 90
sounds, 90, 91
caring for the HP J ornada,
CF modems, 60
changing the battery, 17
third-party software, 91
about, 55
personalizing, 56
synchronizing, 52
viewing content, 57
Channels, 55
character recognition, 37
charging the batteries, 16
close button, 18, 25, 26, 27
closing applications, 39
command bar, 36
compact disk (HP J ornada),
2, 91, 92
CompactFlash cards
inserting and removing,
locating the slot, 9
characters, 38
display cover, 8
channel content on the
desktop, 58
information on the
desktop, 33
mobile desktop
components, 58
drawing, 77, 78
drawings, 79
text, 79
sending and receiving e-
mail, 68
enabling synchronization,
synchronization, 52
getting accounts with
Internet service
providers, 60
AC adapter, 12
by infrared to a desktop
PC, 48
using Windows CE Inbox
Transfer to transfer, 69
partnerships, 45, 47
Ethernet connections, 69
exit button, 8
to a desktop PC by travel
cable, 46
to a non-partner PC, 49
to an Internet service
provider, 63
connecting via Ethernet, 69
contacting HP, 106
EzExplorer, 40
Index | 133
programs from the HP
J ornada compact disk,
file conversion, 53
programs with
Application Manager,
finding, 40
finding information, 40
full reset, 104
Internet, 3, 55
Internet Service Provider,
ISP, 59
Solitaire, 3
J ot Character Recognizer,
handwriting, 37
hard icons
locating, 8
keyboard, 36
reconfiguring, 23
using, 22
hard reset. See full reset
HP backup, 86
HP J ornada
AC Charging, 7
notification, 8
list view, 41
browsing the desktop, 52
caring for, 13
HP J ornada compact disk
installing programs from,
locking the hardware
buttons, 22
minimum PC
requirements, 91
HP security, 28
HP settings, 24
managing battery power, 15
adjusting allocation, 26
microphone, 8
migrating data, 125
mobile channels, 55
modems, 60
MP3 player, 89
playing, 89
sending and receiving
CompuServe e-mail, 68
sending e-mail, 68
connecting, 48
infrared port, 8
battery, 11
134 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
rewinding, 83
skipping parts, 84
reminders, 75
removing programs, 93
with Application
Manager, 93
Note Taker
editing and formatting,
saving notes, 80
using, 77
writing and drawing, 78
notification LED, 8
with the Remove
Programs control panel,
reset button, 9
full, 104
soft, 103
OmniSolve calculator, 87
On/Off button, 8
organizing notes, 81
resolving synchronization
conflicts, 52
saving notes, 80
scheduling appointments,
establishing, 47
troubleshooting, 47
password, 28
security, 28
PIM migration, 125
playing music, 89
playing recordings, 82
power control panel
using, 18
adjusting, 23
shortcuts, 41
soft reset, 103
software (3rd party), 91
Software Product License
Agreement, 141
Solitaire, 3
power On/Off button, 8
printing, 54
programs (3rd party)
adding, 92
finding, 91
adding, 90
speeding up the system,
see bTask, 39
removing, 93
start button, 8
Start menu, 35
using, 10
support, 105
record button, 8
fast-forward, 83
formats, 84
suspend, 19
switching between
applications, 40
synchronization conflicts, 52
synchronizing, 49
specifying data, 50
making, 82
memory use, 84
organizing, 85
playing back, 82
Index | 135
taskbar, 35
using, 75
third-party software, 91
tips, 41
channel content, 57
information, 41
Voice Recorder
using, 82
to-do lists, 75
transferring files, 53
travel cable
adjusting, 24
connecting P/PC to
desktop PC, 46
partnerships, 47, 97
viewing problems, 101
typing with the keyboard,
adding, 90
hardware, 137
software, 141
Welcome Wizard, 13
writing, 77, 78
writing with the J ot
Character Recognizer, 37
unlocking the hardware
buttons, 22
Year 2000 warranty, 139
136 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Warrant | 137
Im p or ta n t: This is your hardware product warranty statement.
Read it carefully.
Warranty terms may be different in your country. If so, your
Authorized HP Dealer or Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service
office can give you details.
One year limited hardware warranty
Hewlett-Packard (HP) warrants this hardware product against
defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year
from receipt by the original end-user purchaser.
If HP receives notice of the above defined defects during the
warranty period, HP will either, at its option, repair or replace
products which prove to be defective.
Should HP be unable to repair or replace the product within a
reasonable amount of time, the customer's alternate exclusive
remedy shall be a refund of the purchase price upon return of the
Limitation of warranty
The above warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from:
misuse; unauthorized modification; opening for any reason except
to perform an official upgrade using an HP Upgrade Kit;
operation or storage outside the environmental specifications for
the product; in-transit damage; improper maintenance; or defect
resulting from use of non-HP software, accessories, media,
supplies, consumables, or such items not designed for use with
the product.
HP makes no other express warranty, whether written or oral,
with respect to this product.
Any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose is limited to the one-year duration of this
written warranty.
138 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Some states, provinces, or countries do not allow limitations on
how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you.
This warranty gives your specific legal rights, and you may also
have other rights that vary from state to state, province to
province, or country to country.
Limitation of liability and remedies
The remedies provided above are the customer's sole and
exclusive remedies.
In no event shall HP be liable for any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages (including lost profit),
whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal
Some states, provinces, or countries do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages - including lost
profit-, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Consumer transactions in Australia, New Zealand
and the United Kingdom
The preceding disclaimers and limitations shall not apply to
consumer transactions in Australia, New Zealand and the United
Kingdom, and shall not affect the statutory rights of consumers.
For consumers in Australia
The above warranty terms and any other warranty statement
enclosed with this product, except to the extent lawfully
permitted, do not exclude, restrict, or modify and are in addition
to the statutory rights implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974 or
any corresponding State or territory legislation applicable to the
sale of this product to you. If you have any queries about your
rights, contact the Hewlett-Packard Customer Care Center at 61-
3- 88778000.
For consumers in New Zealand
The above warranty terms or any other warranty statement
enclosed with this product, except to the extent lawfully
permitted, do not exclude, restrict or modify and are in addition
Warrant | 139
to the statutory rights implied by the Consumer Guarantees Act
1993 applicable to the sale of this product to you. If you have any
queries about your rights contact the Hewlett-Packard End User
Support line at 0800-733547.
Hewlett-Packard Year 2000 Warranty
Subject to all of the terms and limitations of the HP Limited
Warranty Statement provided with this HP Product, HP
warrants that this HP Product will be able to accurately process
date data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing,
and sequencing) from, into, and between the twentieth and
twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000, including
leap year calculations, when used in accordance with the Product
documentation provided by HP (including any instructions for
installing patches or upgrades), provided that all other products
(e.g. hardware, software, firmware) used in combination with
such HP Product(s) properly exchange date data with it. The
duration of the Year 2000 warranty extends through J anuary 31,
Year 2000 Warranty
HP has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our product
testing. However, because each customer's environment is
different from HP's laboratory test environment, it is the
customer's responsibility to validate the Year 2000 readiness of
these products in their own environment. Therefore, information
about the Year 2000 status of HP products is provided “as is”
without warranties of any kind and is subject to change without
notice. The information provided here constitutes a Year 2000
Readiness Disclosure for purposes of the Year 2000 Information
and Readiness Disclosure Act.
Hewlett-Packard makes no representation or warranty about the
Year 2000 readiness of non-HP products including pre-installed
operating systems or application software. Such information, if
any, was provided by the manufacturers of those products and
customers are urged to contact the manufacturer directly to
verify Year 2000 readiness.
The information provided here constitutes a Year 2000 Readiness
Disclosure for purposes of the Year 2000 Information and
Readiness Disclosure Act. HP encourages customers to be fully
aware of the potential impact that the Year 2000 could have on
140 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
their business environment and their ability to compete in the
21st century. HP also encourages its customers to take
responsibility for addressing needed changes as quickly as
MICROSOFT AT http://www.microsoft.com/y2k OR
Warrant | 141
HP software product license agreement and
HP software product limited warranty
This HP product contains preinstalled software programs. Please
read the HP Software Product License Agreement before
Im p or ta n t: Carefully read this License Agreement and the
Limited Warranty statement before operating the equipment.
The rights to the software are licensed, not sold. HP or its
licensors continue to own all intellectual property rights to the
software, and you will be granted certain rights to use the
software upon your acceptance of this license. Rights in the
software are offered only on the condition that you agree to all
terms and conditions of the License Agreement. Operating the
equipment indicates your acceptance of these terms and
conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the
License Agreement, return the complete package for a full refund
HP Software Product License Agreement
The HP Software Product License Agreement shall govern the
use of all software that is provided to you, the customer, as part
of this HP product with the exception of Microsoft Software.
Microsoft Products are licensed to you under the Microsoft End
User License Agreement (EULA) contained in the Microsoft
documentation. Any third-party software supplier's warranty
terms that may be found on-line, or in any documentation or
other materials contained in the product packaging, shall govern
the use of that third-party software.
The following License Terms govern the use of the software:
You may only use the software on a single computer. You may
not reverse, assemble, or decompile the software.
Transaction in European Union member states: The prohibition
against decompilation shall be subject to Directive 91/250/EEC.
142 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
Copies and adaptations
You may make copies or adaptations of the software (a) for
archival purposes, or (b) when copying or adaptation is an
essential step in the use of the software with a computer so long
as the copies and adaptations are used in no other manner.
You have no other rights to copy unless you acquire an
appropriate license to reproduce which is available from HP for
some software.
You agree that no warranty, free installation, or free training is
provided by HP for any copies or adaptations made by you.
All copies and adaptations of the software must bear the
copyright notice(s) contained in or on the original.
You agree that you do not have any title to or ownership of the
software, other than ownership of the physical media. You
acknowledge and agree that the software is copyrighted and
protected under the copyright laws. You acknowledge and agree
that the software or part thereof may have been developed by a
third-party software supplier named in the copyright notice(s)
included with the software, who shall be authorized to hold you
responsible for any copyright infringement or violation of this or
their own License Agreement.
Transfer of rights in software
You may transfer rights to the software to a third party only as
part of the transfer of all your rights and only if you obtain the
prior agreement of the third party to be bound by the terms of
this License Agreement. Upon such a transfer, you agree that
your rights to the software are terminated and that you will
either destroy all your copies and adaptations or deliver them to
the third party. Transfer to a U.S. government department or
agency or to a prime or lower tier contractor in connection with a
U.S. government contract shall be made only upon prior written
agreement to terms required by HP.
Sublicensing and distribution
You may not lease, sublicense the software or distribute copies or
adaptations of the software to the public in physical media, by
Warrant | 143
telecommunication or at all without the prior written consent of
HP may terminate this software license for failure to comply with
any of these terms, provided HP has requested you to cure the
failure and you have failed to do so within thirty (30) days of such
Updates and upgrades
You agree that the software does not include updates and
upgrades that may be available from HP under a separate
support agreement.
Export clause
You agree not to export or re-export the software or any copy or
adaptation in violation of the U.S. Export Administration
regulations or other applicable regulations.
U.S. government restricted rights
The Software and Documentation have been developed entirely
at private expense. They are delivered and licensed as
“commercial computer software” as defined in DFARS 252.227-
7013 (Oct 1988), DFARS 252.211-7015 (May 1991) or DFARS
252.227- 7014 (J un 1995), as “commercial item” as defined in
FAR 2.101 (a), or as “Restricted computer software” as defined in
FAR 52.227-19 (J un 1987) (or any equivalent agency regulation
or contract clause), whichever is applicable. You have only those
rights provided for such Software and Documentation by the
applicable FAR or DFARS clause or the HP standard software
agreement for the product involved.
144 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 430/430se Palm-size PC
HP Software Product Limited Warranty
Important: This HP Software Product Limited Warranty shall
cover all software that is provided to you, the customer, as part of
the HP product, including any operation system software. Any
third-party software supplier's warranty terms that may be found
on-line, or in any documentation or other materials contained in
the product packaging shall supersede the HP Software Product
Limited Warranty with regard to that third-party software.
Ninety-Day Limited Software Warranty
HP warrants for a period of NINETY (90) DAYS from the date of
purchase that the software product will execute its programming
instructions when all files are properly installed. HP does not
warrant that the software will be uninterrupted or error free. In
the event that this software product fails to execute its
programming instructions during the warranty period, your
remedy shall be replacement or refund only. Return the media to
HP for replacement. Should HP be unable to replace the media
within a reasonable amount of time, HP shall refund the
purchase price upon return of the product and all copies.
Removable media (if supplied)
HP warrants the removable media, if supplied, upon which this
product is recorded to be free from defects in material and
workmanship under normal use for a period of NINETY (90)
DAYS from the date of purchase. In the event the media proves
to be defective during the warranty period, your remedy shall be
replacement or refund only. Return the media to HP for
replacement. Should HP be unable to replace the media within a
reasonable amount of time, HP shall refund the purchase price
upon return of the product and destruction of all other non-
removable media copies of the software product.
Notice of warranty claims
You must notify HP in writing of any warranty claim not later
than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the warranty period.
Warrant | 145
Limitation of warranty
HP makes no other express warranty, whether written or oral,
with respect to this product.
Any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose is limited to the 90-day duration of this
written warranty. Some states, provinces, or countries do not
allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This
warranty gives specific legal rights, and you may also have other
rights which vary from state to state, province to province, or
country to country.
Limitation of liability and remedies
THEORY. Some states, provinces, or countries do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages -
including lost profit-, so the above limitation or exclusion may
not apply to you.
In no case shall HP's liability exceed the purchase price for the
software and/or product. The limitations set forth above will
apply regardless of whether you accept the software.
Consumer transactions in Australia and the United Kingdom:
The disclaimers and limitations above shall not apply and shall
not affect the statutory rights of a Consumer.
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